Alterac Valley in Classic

People try to argue against 1.12 AV by comparing it to live which is beyond ignorance. Even in 1.12 AV the BG sometimes lasted over a day. It was still full of PvP and there was often a massive battle at the mid that would rack up hundreds of HKs. I am not claiming that 1.5 AV is superior because I did not play in 1.5 but the comparisons to BC and later AV is a joke and accomplishes nothing. They turned AV into an intentional race that had nothing to do with 1.12 AV in the same vein. There were no 6 minutes AVs back then.

As long has it has crbgs im happy. I want to be able to play AV at anytime of the day.


I think the reason they’re not going with old AV is because it’d be too much trouble to recreate it if 1.12 is what they have. If classic proves to be successful they might be convinced to put in the resources.

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Wouldn’t that be something? Slowly patch it back to 1.5. Can you imagine if Blizzard patched the fun into things, instead of out of them?


pmuch the only dealbreaker for me personally

the only thing about original AV that was annoying was having to find a raid invite

most of the time there were multiple groups running around and i doubt many people liked that

Nah. I’ll happily play Classic over BFA.


You can already do that, right this moment if you wish.

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Not without the BS that is the rest of BFA he can’t.


Not with the spells I want to use. You might want 1 AV a week but more of us actually want to be able to do the battleground.

How is that relevant to how AV would work in classic.

I think he’s perpetuating the myth that there’s zero difference between 1.11 AV and Retail AV. Again.

Despite numerous posts explaining why he’s wrong.


That’s honestly the funniest part of the argument some of these people make…


1.11AV --> 8.2 AV: Literally no changes

like what?


Especially since 8.1 AV actually did bring back some NPCs that were removed during Vanilla.

* Makes no such argument
* Is immediately assaulted by trolls fighting the strawman

  • Says if you want to play AV at anytime of the day you should just play retail

  • acts like he wasn’t implying exactly what we were saying.

Specific strat != Specific strat -just- for PvP to happen. Other BGs do not have a way to successfully play the BG that specifically avoids PvP. Espousing the idea that you need to ‘rally the group’ if you want to PvP in a PvP BG is a backward argument that actually -highlights- the problem with the post 1.11 version of AV.


Sure they do, it was not uncommon for people in WSG or AB to give up after an initial bad start. Motivating people to continue after that point is no different than defending against a zerg in AV.

And this is not ‘successfully playing’ the BG. If you avoid PvP in post-1.11 AV, you have a better chance of winning by committing completely to the final boss. If you avoid PvP in AB and WSG, you will not win the game.


No you are conflating reinforcement values with 1.11 AV values. Playing D or at least breaking the zerg was a very successful strat in 1.11, it didn’t become a bad idea until after reinforcements.