Alt Unfriendly Developers

Lol the maw intro takes maybe 40 mins, you guys gonna cry about that too? It’s not gonna be skipped.

raises hand! :stuck_out_tongue: after the 3rd+ time gets old and annoying hahaha not enough to want me to harness my inner karen and go all out and complain but would be nice if we would be able to skip it :smiley:

Care to place a bet :open_mouth:
A bet with no reward that is as gambling isn’t legal everywhere :smiley:

What’s the comparison, then? Legion was horrific for alts or even alt specs of a single character until after Nighthold because farming AP for your weapon took forever. WOD might have been alt-friendly I guess, since there was bloody nothing to do once you hit level cap except mission tables. MOP similarly didn’t have a lot going on at level cap unless you raided.

True, yet the timegating of renown is kind of double edged sword. I like that I only need to do what… 3 quests to get that week’s renown? My monk hit 60 a week or two ago and is at the current max already, with relatively casual gameplay (by my means at least).

Legendary farming is a Torghast soul ash problem for sure. Good point. It would be neat if there was a way to catch up on the previous week’s “expected” amount. Though I guess this is meant to basically “keep” an alt, an alt and not a second main. Which is odd because if people want to essentially main several characters… why shouldn’t they? If they have the time to do that of course.

Don’t compare it to anything? Is it or is it not alt friendly? But the problem is there’s no definition of alt friendly, it is to some people and it isn’t to others. It’s not as easy as asking “Is there or isn’t there grass in Mulgore?” Unless you’re trying to be funny there’s obviously grass in Mulgore but the same can’t be done with “alt friendly”

yep I agree with your assessment, like I say my problem is a personal one, I don’t have the time, and would want to play more characters but is just not possible, I wish I could just level up a toon and jump directly into random bgs with out having to farm all the extra stuff and deal with the plethora of systems but that’s wishful thinking.

Until someone establishes a definition of “alt friendly” that’s literally the only thing you can do.

And no one will be able to establish a universally accepted definition of alt friendly so what happens is Blizz does their best :+1: Then players bring up what they could change. I like to hope that what players ask for is written down on the office legal pad and is considered in future patches/xpacs :naiveFace:

That’s a good point, I guess is quite ambiguous what alt friendly is, since it varies wildly from individuals, for me alt friendly means, I can level a character and can progress it by only doing the content I choose to play in my case I only like to do casual pvp, I have no interest on farming renown or soul bind etc but if I must wish I could do all of that by only doing BGs and not get wildly behind everyone else.

That it was! I liked it at least :man_shrugging:

Ding 100, go to Ashran for 2 hours and get 700-710 ilvl, upgrade garrison to 3, run around collecting followers and gg all done :heart: But that world won’t exist anymore :sob:

I got my Paladin to 58, then realized I would have to level my Renown and do ALL those quests over again!!!

Then I logged off my Paladin!

I’m amazed how people love to just post without even reading a post. I didn’t state a single thing about speed of leveling etc. I truly dont want to deal with renown of multiple toons and multiple convenants until hopefully they make a catchup system. I just like have some characters to bounce around with.

If you actually read it’s about items not being usable and sometimes lootable until you hit their forced max of 60.

"The developers chose to make the majority of items 60. This seems like an afterthought prior to launch to again force additional play. I point to the fact that mounts, chest to get mount (ascended council) tome for taming undead beast, sorrowbane (level 51 to use, but 60 to see the item), etc all require level 60."

I mainly love to alt old raids and we all no how well they screwed that up for everyone with the squish “no scaling 2 raids old” I seem to recall…

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It better not. Because a game with nothing to do is a dead game. WOD was the biggest disaster this game has ever seen.

And if all you want to do is cap a character and go farm old dungeons and raids for transmog, then good news: You don’t need Torghast legendaries and max renown to do that.

Well you’d have something to do, the same somethings you had in WoD. Raid, M+ (CMs) and PVP and now (albeit crappier) WQs

Bad news, Ion said we can’t farm Legion raids because we don’t have gear

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I hear ya, that was like squeezing some lemon and pour some salt in a wound…

He’s clueless and I really wonder if he even plays the game or just sits in his castle making decisions.

And the Icecrown part…

I think the amount of pressure they must had to undergo to launch SL must have been insane considering covid rock all our boats, as much as I dislike ion ill give them a pass, if they don’t fix that issue afterwards ill give them hell lol