Alt Unfriendly Developers

LMAO. I love how EVERY expansion people seem to make threads saying, “This is the most alt unfriendly expansion yet.” Too funny.

Vanilla and BC say hi along with MoP.

you literally don’t need anima for anything

Agreed 100%:


(2)Go into every zone and pick up the big auto quest

(3)Stay in ooribus (or run around and do WQs) and Queue for any random dungeon and queue for Random BG (This will make you have zero wait time since as you play the BG ur dungeon timer still counts so when you get out of the BG you are insta queued (or close too!)

(4)By the time you hit 59 all 4 quests will be completed (from boss kills in dungeons) and you will have ~10k honor.

(5)At 59 turn in all 4 big quests and not have to evel 59 to 60 since quest turnin will do it.

(6)Enjoy level 60 with 158 full gear

I dont even have time to do WQ, dps queues are 3-4 minutes most of the time.

I do BG at around 58-59 so I can have a weapon and some gear ready at 60.

unless youre literally PLAYING the game.

That is why I rotate both. So I dont get burt out running dungeons. Plus if you do 1 then the other, you will have a full set of 158 at 60 from pvp.

Huh we haven’t even completed the first month and I am on my 3rd hunter and 3rd covenant.

What do you want a main and 20 alts fully geared already ?

As for threads of fate , they never said it would be faster they gave it as an alternate route once you did everything on your main and knew what covenant you wanted your alt to go into right away.

This the MOST alt friendly expansion in awhile…

All the really need to do to make it perfect is allow Torghast quest catchup on alts, unlock layers account wide, and maybe give some sort of skip to the maw, but I don’t really care about that honestly, the maw isn’t that bad.

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1 month. 5 level 60’s with one more at 55.

Not that unfriendly.

This is what has me, man. Cordial…so every crafter you have has to roughlu get exalted with him for the 168 crafts…The maw is optional they said. not if you want to craft gear for your alts. Yeah, the 151 gear doesnt work trying to swim through elites to get to every world quest.

This :slight_smile:

Yeah, with three at 60 so far, just keeping up with renown for all of them, plus a little bg to get honor for upgrading gear on all of them, takes most of the week.

I’m working on a fourth, and I think 4 will be my maximum this expac, at least until much, much later in the expac. I don’t think I can keep more than four caught up weekly.

Man I leveled 1 of every class, both factions in mop, and was raiding on at least 7-8 toons.

If loot wasn’t such a hassle to get I’d gladly play my alts, dealing with catching up on renown and soul ash and anima, no problem. But I see no point when gearing my toons to the ilvl my main is at will take weeks at a time due to SL’s loot scarcity.

Maw skip definitely needs to exist though.

Same issue, I just cant spend the time I once used to spend on this game, sadly, but that’s a personal issue, I think the xpac is actually decent enough for alts, specially since blizz has always been so stingy on the topic.

I started a 3rd toon and I am sorely regretting it, is not going to be that hard to bring it up to speed, problem is keeping all my characters on a decent spot, is just to many chores, wish I could just jump into random BGs and forget about all the grind but that’s not how the game works :frowning:

Eh I still think BfF with its cloaks, essences, and ap were more unfriendly, even with the “catch up” mechanics.

It is weird that we can only start soulbinds and such at level 60 though; that I agree with. If we could start unlocking all of that stuff WHILE leveling, it would be a lot better. Just working through the entire campaign as a leveling task would be fun.

My theory is that “alt friendly” is different for everyone and when Blizz says “alt friendly” they have a company outline of what that means. To some players their idea of alt friendly may align perfectly with Blizz’s idea and to other players what Blizz thinks is totally wrong.
All the “60 only” stuff you mentioned I don’t care about, not to start an argument or say what you care about is wrong but only to illustrate that even among players alt friendly isn’t universal.

My priest was renown-capped within a few hours of hitting 60 and unlocking all the covenant stuff, because basically everything you do gives you renown until you’re caught up. ilvl 178 a few days after that. Will easily have enough soul ash for some kind of legendary after reset, and I just went after the best memory that doesn’t drop in raids. Priest has stupid fun Torghast powers so it’s not as if that was a chore, either. Less than 24 hours played at cap, and “ready for raiding” as they say. It’s really not that bad unless you’re trying to maintain an entire stable of like 10 characters at max power, which is an absurd expectation to begin with.

I think renown and soul binds plus legendary farming kind of take that spot on the list of chores lol

But yeah, I hated the AP grind, not so much cloak since oddly enough horrific visions I did like

Also some people like to compare the alt friendliness of SL to BFA but I don’t think that’s what should be done.
Imagine you’re a person and you get married and the person you marry starts punching you daily. You take them to court, get divorced, move on, find someone else, get married again and they start slapping you daily would you say “This is much better than getting punched” or would you leave their butt too because you know that neither slaps nor punches should be tolerated, they both suck.

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