Allow Void Elves to change their race name

That’s sort of a 1 dimensional view of his character, look at the MoP intro scenario, Varian is going to get his son, Garrosh is there to conquer the place and “paint it red with blood”. Varian has several examples of being a softy at heart, like Icecrown following the airship battle where he allows Saurfang to claim his son’s corpse out of empathy as a father to Anduin.

Those are just examples of his caring character in game, there are several other in-universe events never shown in game that demonstrate Varian Wrynn’s more caring personality, like fighting Onyxia to get his son back after being split by Onyxia in disguise into his persona as a warrior and his persona as a loving father.

i love you.

take my money and kidneys lol

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This is kind of why people get annoyyed by the fanbase. Don’t get me wrong I am super happy you guys got the customization you wanted but its never enough. You got your normal skin tones then you got your normal hair and added tentacle removal and now you are asking for even more. Maybe it wouldn’t feel so bad if blizz added the customizations that other races wanted as well at some point I don’t know.


MTX is short for Microtransactions, or cash shop items if you will. Somebody litteraly wanted LGBT items on a cash shop.

Not to give this guy attention, but this here is what (and one of who) i was talking about… :point_down:

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Oh YIKES, Ty for telling me! >.<

I don’t know if you’re implying that I suggested male characters be replaced with women, or if I misunderstood this bit, but that’s not what I was suggesting at all.

I never said Varian was uncaring, but you cannot deny that he is overly aggressive, in many scenarios. And then they go and make him more caring/like Anduin, and then… Legion. He was allowed to be like, “Yeah, peace is good actually,” for all of five minutes, before they literally killed him off. :confused: I don’t need an all or nothing scenario, just better balance.

Tho asking for balance from any area regarding WoW might just be completely flawed,lol

I mean, it’s not like he’s the king of a nation during war time… even Washington as commander and chief was know to aggro a lieutenant or two…

That’s all well and good, but “King Wrynn dies for his people,” is not something that needs to be told twice, and god forbid a third time. :grimacing:

I doubt we have to worry about Anduin dying in SL/beyond, canonically he dies in Hearth stone/Heroes of the storm as Shadowreaper Anduin (a DK) and is resurrected back to his old self, closer to WoW’s IP we have the Son of the Wolf, a semi canon comic showcasing Anduin and Velen alive and well in an apocalyptic future of all out war with the cosmic forces. (The Bronze dragons and devs confirm that this future is one of many possible outcomes for the main timeline, so barring a major time paradox this is one of two known certain futures for the main timeline, the other being Nozdormu’s death, though that one does play itself out as a self contained causality loop.)

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Blizz just needs to make a quick story patch where high elves finally die off so we can move on.


Void elves are void elves. They can get all the customization they want from belf (even though I think some velf hairs/facial hair should go to belf from them too) but it shouldn’t re write what they are.

Even if they let you call void elves high elves they still should not get paladins as paladins are core to Blood elf lore and not high elf lore. The trainer in dalaran was there for gameplay not for lore reasons.

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…Define overly aggressive?..

I mean you’re talking about a character that let an orc father live and mourn his loss of his only son… :point_down:

You meant they did that in wrath?.. :thinking:

Uhh… What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I know, Tyrande was hiding the remnants of the High Elves in Darnassus!

They’re all gone now. :sob:

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You can have High Elves as soon as I can have my Gil Goblin.


Good day, Sir/Ma’am.

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I think as a tauren one of the OG races should be realized that I am a much more special snowflake then void elves which are a simple palet swap. I think we should be allowed skins like feral druid fire kitty and have all the eye glows and Mohawk option and sparkles and nongender specific body forms and as elves are an affront to all horde they should be deleted or turned into tauren as well because I need my validation and game choice to have more options then all the others because eyes and everything other then name just isnt enough you know.

How will people ever know I’m 9ps Roleplaying a high elf if I’m not outright called a high elf fufufufufu. Puposterous!


Also rather have a lgbt+ tauren and vulperan couple Gnoll is also acceptable. Elves are already lgbt they are all female race remember. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t believe they brought in all these new customisations for Void Elves just because so many people wanted high elves. C’mon! If you want a High Elf so badly, just roll a blue-eyed blood elf (they’re literally the exact same after TBC. Only difference is that they’re Horde.). Even though high elves exist, it’s so unfair to the Horde to allow players to be able to make a carbon copy of their race on Alliance.

But i think most of the blame for this should go to Blizzard - they opened the door by making it look like there were tons of high elves running around with silver covenant and not yet providing any lore for the void elf ally race to increase their tiny population.

still, as long as they don’t make void elf paladins or actually create a high elf race, these customisations may be the best option just to end this!


You truly want to witness another Mechagnomes experience, don’t you?

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You’re cringe bro.