Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Most people don’t want to play Horde.

Nope be happy not greedy you can make a bland elf at least.


I fully Agree!




I am all for changing the their name from Void Elf to Ren’dorei like it should be in my opinion.


Bump thank you all for support :slight_smile:

Maybe they can put in some toggle so the true Void Elves can remain while your other elf can be whatever.

Just stop. Please. You all just need to stop.

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Well, now, initially I was opposed to the idea - but after some thought, why not? And you know what else, I’d like them to rename Lo’radel after me, call it Rhayville. I’d like them to retcon some stuff so that the quests reference me by name, you know, how fantastic I am. I’d like some of the loot you can get questing in the area to be made from Rhayon. Rhayon gloves etc.

It’s just a small amount of work and it would make me and my alts happy, what’s the big deal?

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I’d also like a dish sold by the Goldshire Inn bartender to be named after me as well. :sparkles: Maybe a race? Can I have the Night Elves changed to Fey Elves?

And while we are at it lets just rename the game World of Vulperacraft where everyone is a Vulpera.

Well that’s more than reasonable, and I think they should make a drink named after you in all the Inns, Fizzy Feyrre. 100000 mana over 5 seconds and a random buff.

I’d also like horns, not just a hat, but real horns like cenarious - in fact, why can’t I just be a centaur that sells ice cream?

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Or just use TRP or another RP addon and change your race there.

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I don’t expect Blizzard to write it well.

At the end of the day a well written LGBTQ+ character is almost entirely indistinguishable from any other character in the setting, because an orientation shouldn’t define a character.

Also, this isn’t a setting for romance stories. Warcraft is a setting that focuses on powerful figures caught in the chaos of wars that began so long ago none now among the living or the dead can remember why they began at all.

The only way to know if a character fits into the LGBTQ+ mold is something like Pelagos where they state they were a woman in life but chose a male form in undeath because they’d always felt that way. It has to be a piece of their past, but not something significantly defining about them or shoved in everyone’s face all the time so the company can virtue signal.

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Just do a proper high elf allied race already.
It’s what should have been from the beginning.
Also do the same for the wildhammer and troll options that were added.
Put in the proper effort and attention.


Bruno Mars sucks