Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Your insistence on calling me a troll will not make it so.

Nah I’m addressing the initial on the other name you post under, but you know that!

Almost as if I said this earlier Oh I DID! You read anything or just react?

Remember that? I sure do. Look, have fun, enjoy the vacay!

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Next time she does it play the troll song for her.

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LOL, okay. We are officially done here, you’re paranoid to the point of accusing me of posting on an alt. Bye.

I think you’re mistaking him for Garrosh. :thinking:

Infact, i think you’re also mistaking him for Jaina back in MoP as well…

Varian is tempered fella, but he’s not without reason of coarse. He’s not a villian and nor doesn’t act like one. He’s just a king that is willing to uphold his honor if the horde does the same, and not afraid to work alongside them when the time is needed. He’s also shown to be patience and quite a good planner as it shown in “little Patience” scenario. Honestly, i think MoP was a pretty good growth to his character, ngl.

And that’s bad or doesn’t make sense… because?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Tbh they should have just given them Ren’dorei, No high elf no void elf, just that


It’s not necessarily bad, but I think we can agree that diversity is good, yes? Why must every dude in the game look like a walking rectangle when they’re in their armor? And then also be wildly aggressive/GRRRR ANGRY. I like Varian, please do not misunderstand. I just also like variety. :grimacing:

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So what you want is a classless, featureless, nameless model that you can customize to have any race name, shape and gender to what you want. Does that about cover it?

Is it? I mean how WoW with 5 characters that are LGBT, and OW with 2… (i’ve might’ve missed overs) means it’s a priority for them?.. You think they would have more of that if it’s such a priority to them. :thinking:

The investors only care about the money.

I think the problem is, caring or relating to the characters solely just because what they are is kind of shallow. It has nothing to do with the actual character they are, that be their backstory, actions, personality, choices, lore, and etc. Which need i remind you, are things that anybody can enjoy, regardless if your LGBT, straight, or anything really.

…So what’s the real problem then?.. I mean you seem to think we don’t want that, when that’s exactly what we want. I mean do you not agree with them if this is what you want also? … :man_shrugging:


What do you mean “but”?..

Nobody had a problem with diversifying the personalities of people. There can be soft characters, their can be hard ones. Vice versa. Nobody has an issue with this…

I mean Goblins and Blood elves are examples of males not being masculine. Gnomes aren’t either. Night elf males are just a bunch of violent nature loving hippys for example, and Draenei men are peacekeepers. And pandaren are monks. They practice discipline and all that. And all with differing men that are not just all “Grr i’m a man hear me rawr” beefcake jock stereotypes.

Literally nobody has said this…

But you seem to think it’s all done without reason, or think it’s some type of toxic thing.

Varian wasn’t doing it to be a plain jerk, he was doing it to ensure the horde doesn’t repeat the same actions as Garrosh has done. He wouldn’t even condone the things Jaina does, how you think he will feel when he knew about what she did?.. Or heck, what about Anduin? How you think HE will feel if he learnt about that?.. How you think he will take it if he’s in Varian’s place? You think he’s going to be soft on the horde after what Garrosh done at the time?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Heck, he was even going after Slyvanas for what she did… And what did was even worse then Varian’s behavior. Or just as bad as the male villians.


I never argued that random characters that are LGBTQ+ should just be added to the game, and mention it out of the blue. Not once. I never argued that characters should be made to come out, also out of the blue, after years of being in the lore. I have said repeatedly, that if it makes sense in the story, I am fine with Blizzard making changes to long standing characters.

And the “real problem” is that early on in the discussion, some people used language that was misinterpreted as insensitive, and it all spiraled wildly out of control, SO MUCH SO, that someone thinks I’m posting on a fricken alt. :joy_cat: I am 1000% done.

I like “Thalassian Elf” :sunglasses:

No, that’s what’s in the game, aside from a couple clothies? I guess? But even then, they end up putting on shoulder pieces that turn them into boxy leggo-looking dudes. It’s the signature WoW armor look, I suppose, but it just comes off as hyper-masculine, because they need to look as large as possible for some reason. It’s a male power fantasy, which is fine, I just hate that that’s all there is, for the most part.

EDIT: Oh, and I should specify that my problem is mostly with the human male characters, and the male orc characters, who both get tons and tons of screen/lore time in comparison to the other races you mentioned.

…Fair …enough…

Well that’s because i was honestly wondering what does being LGBT add to the story. Because if straight doesn’t, then it would be safe to assume that LGBT doesn’t, since their not personalities.

I’m an Egalitarian, and i don’t look at people for what they are, but who they are.

You’re not an alt of the T-Twins. I checked.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed on the LGBT side of things here lately, but there are people in the side who claimed they are an ally of LGBT, but don’t do anything to actually help the side and instead, wanted special treatment for them and make them out to be special, and if you disagree ,they will label you as “alt right” or essentially think it’s a character flaw to disagree, want equality or even telling you why pandering is bad or will do more harm then good. Especially since one of them literally suggested LGBT MTX. :nauseated_face:

Even the LGBT peeps were not having what those T-Twins were having and sick of being treated as something special. (If any of you LGBT peeps want to fill your side of the story on how you feel about these two or correct me on, feel free too)


Well that’s how they choose to design the game. :man_shrugging:

Also, you keep on saying you don’t have a problem with masculinity… but you keep on talking about it as if it’s a problem…

Well clearly it’s not to you… I mean you said you’re fine with it… but it doesn’t add a bunch up with the previous comments you’ve said. :man_shrugging:

Also, what’s wrong with power fantasy?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Except that’s not that’s all there is… I’ve given you examples on how it’s not just the masculine men. Heck, there’s even strong women characters in there.

Well, that’s how they choose to design the humans and orcs.

I do agree that humans and orcs (not just males but the race in general) gets way too much screen time. However, it would be remiss of me to not mention about how Warcraft is built upon the idea of “Orcs vs Humans”, since the first game, and has been a recurring thing ever since.

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Why is it still a discussion?

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I didn’t sleep last night! :smiley: Gonna start putting googly eyes on all my house plants so I know where I stand with them. Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Walken.

EDIT: Also, I have no idea who those ppl are, or even what ‘LGBT MTX’ is. >.< Do I dare google.

okay but they do they have to be amazing? we have poorly written people in general in wow?

My father is a professional writer and I am likely more experienced regarding this topic as no other person here.

My brother is a big fan of old 80s and 90s shows, including the new He-Man. I have watched it together with everyone and the problem with it is not “toxic masculinity” but changing a working concept by dishonoring what came before.

As a writer you can make every character appealing and interesting if you have the required skills. It’s never a matter of “set in stone” but if you have an established audience, then you should never risk demolishing what you have at hand. He-Man can be changed but not by replacing him with women for a political message.

See, here we go. I said this would happen in one of your other threads concerning customization. Open the gates to race customization a little and it snow balls from there. I told you it would happen and you did it.

This is a game, set in a specific fantasy world based on a specific fantasy environment. It does not need to cater to your every real world opinion/perspective/agenda/desire.