Thank you - Please make more Deluxe Edition(s)

I just read that WoW is adding a deluxe version in celebration of the Burning Crusade launch. I’m very happy to support the game and company by purchasing this asap. I think $70 is very fair and I would wager that it should cost more with how much we are getting. A couple mounts, toys, character boost, 30 days game time… there’s so much to love about this bundle.

One thing I’d like to advocate is for the inclusion of more deluxe packs in the future. Maybe we could have a pack themed for each month. June month could be LGBT pride month deluxe package and could include a rainbow themed mount and cosmetics/toys. Each month could be something new and would help support the game and the developers.

I’m so happy for Blizzard and hope they continue with adding special toys/mounts/deluxe editions into the game. Please look into pride month coming next month and help support the LGBT community with a themed pack. I think every month should be themed in a special way and adding more content into the game is always a positive! Keep up the great work :blush:


you tell’em!!

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This is one heck of a bait and switch troll thread.


I’m confused on what you mean. I’m 100% supportive of a deluxe pack for burning crusade and hope more packs come out. I’m pitching my suggestion that Blizzard follow a monthly formula that supports major events that happen every month. June is pride month, very good time to add rainbow-themed cosmetics and I’d happily support it. $40-60 for each monthly package would be fair.

here we gooooooo XD

Ion do it! it will surely increase sub numbers :joy: :rofl:


I’m not sure if it will “increase sun numbers”, that’s not the goal of the the idea. I’d just like to support the game as much as possible. Having monthly themed packs can bring in a lot of themed mounts/toys/cosmetics into the game. LGBT pride month is next month so I think that’s a good start. It would also support the LGBT community.

What happened to you to make you get to the point where you get these ideas in your head, your brain checks them off as a good idea then you post on these forums where people will instantly see through your idiotic guise and promptly call you a fool

This isn’t even trolling at this point it’s just sad to watch and has our head scratching as to why you are the way you are?


You’re correct on one thing.

Why must you be so hateful/attack me for my feedback? It’s downright harrassment to say those hurtful things. This is a forum to voice my feedback.

And one more time,


Because we see through your stupid attempts at enraging the forums


I think i speak for everybody when they go to the second paragraph of your OP and realizes he’s making an LGBT thread in a topic that has absolute no business being in… :point_down:


Not exclusively LGBT, just an idea, especially since June is known for pride month.

You didn’t even say that in your title, so you’re intentionally misleading people here. And you know it.


I don’t need to :man_shrugging: Misleading who? My feedback is to have more deluxe editions/packs that can be added each month, preferable with a theme.

Here’s the title. :point_up:

Now here’s your OP.

Except you have specified it in the OP, so it’s not just “Preferable with a theme”.

If that’s what you are suggesting, why then did you just stop at LGBT then?

Also spitballing here for a moment, what is with you and want LGBT related things to be rainbow themed? i mean… isn’t that a little limiting to those who are LGBT and sort of suggesting that LGBT only likes rainbow or treating them special and not as normal people?.. Why not allow them to pick whatever color or theme they want? I mean that’s like saying “in order to attract more women playing the game, we must have pink girly themed items” or “in order to attract more asians we must have asian themed items”… It’s like uhh, wha?.. isn’t that pandering? Why not allow them to make the decision themselves if they want to like something or not? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I could see this happening. Blizzard should have never got themselves into the political scene.


I think it’s a real possibility, especially since Blizzard seems to be very supportive of the LGBT community. By the way, LGBT is not a political movement so I’m a bit confused on what you mean by that. I just recall Mr. J Allen Brack wearing a pride shirt at the most recent Blizzcon and I think they should add more LGBT content into the game, especially since it’s almost pride month!

dont do this tulnn, i already planned to buy a hoodie to celebrate pride month.

not to mention my birthday is in june so… /shrug