Allow Void Elves to change their race name

I’ve been around since BC. I seen things. ._.

Oh no, there actually are people like that on the forums. I know some of them.

They dont even have bones in their version of WoW and undeads are literally humans.

What makes you think they will allow anything too liberal that’s from US? :laughing:

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“Turned gay,” a character is allowed to evolve past what was put down on paper at their inception. Do you know what a gay awakening is? lol

Well I did always want to be a Blunt Elf.

Oh your not going to pander your spill on me since i am trans and I have seen how it goes in these communities. Give to us and keep giving to us. This is why I stop supporting all these LGBT groups none have a healthy mind set anymore.

NO it’s what YOU want not the rest of us stop trying to claim you speak for all.


Same here, i’m glad that Blizzard does that in WoW. :slight_smile:

Oh no, i do understand where you might be coming from, i just don’t think it’s wise to generalize like that.

But what stops the LGBTQ+ audience ability to enjoy other stories before? It’s not like we straight up (heh) barred them from enjoying it. I mean just as a white person can enjoy GTA SA, so can an LGBT+ can enjoy WoW. :thinking:

To be fair, it would just feel the same regardless, it’s more attributed to “what’s the content of that show is like”, rather then “what the people in that show like”.

I don’t watch TV, but to borrow from a friend of mine who does, Steven Universe.


But… aren’t you also trying to say what everyone else wants? “Not the rest of us.”

There is a LARGE MAJORITY (yourself not included) of people who would really like to see more LGBTQ+ characters in media, written well, and on purpose. A lot of those same people do not mind when existing characters ‘come out,’ so to speak.

I agree that switching a character mid-plot to being part of this community CAN be hamfisted, and only caring half-way, but it is better than nothing. And I also refuse to believe that every single person within the lore of Azeroth canonically knows themselves completely, are all in touch with therapists, and their feelings, and nobody is ‘in the closet.’ I mean, come on…


It’s not that we (B) can’t enjoy them, it’s that they make you feel invisible. Not all the time, but that nagging feeling of just not being included is always there, like you’re not rly a person, because no one can seem to write characters like you.

I was more talking movies, TV has a little bit broader ability to diversify, as their audience is typically locked to a particular country or region, but that’s a great example. One of the few. She-Ra is another great one, and Voltron.

that is Azeroth NOT EARTH you want to drag real life into a fantisy game cause you think it will make a handful of people feel better. I hope you understand none of this is allowed in the chinese version of the game. It’s a GAME not real

You keep saying this but i see nothing supporting your claims except the same people posting on alts. so give me correct numbers and you might have something but you can’t.

Most people could care less what you do in your own bedroom I sure don’t need it broadcast daily this is what you do.

Once again Baridorielor said it best.

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People are allowed to talk outside the forums you know… this is an opinion regarding ALL media, in all social circles… twitter, tumblr, reddit.

the most toxic cesspools on the internet.

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And here is where I stop responding to you. I’ve tried talking reasonably with you, but you’re overly hostile, and I’m just done. Bye.

I’m confused how I have been hostile? is it because you just have no argument to counter what I have stated?

Every single word you write is laden with hostility, are you kidding me? You may as well have said “don’t shove your gayness down my throat, EUGH.” Like, fr?

And if you’re confused about what I was talking about, this. Right here.

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Lots of us did.

(Posted in May 2020.)

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No I have said I have a very neutral stance and I would like the game to remain that way. I’m sorry you upset that you feel the way you do but your making a open strawmam argument and presentation. Do not go down that route.

I have nothing against straight Gay or Bi or even anything in between. you are missing the point people want to keep changing the well written characters to what they want and not how it should be left alone. I don’t like force media exposure and I am sure there are others who feel the same way. Being gay or straight has no bearing on the story so why make it the most important characteristic?