Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Welcome to General Discussion forums, where some people take offense to some the ideas by others. Honestly though, as a pro, I don’t need to change the name to claim I’m a High Elf, we already know Void Elves are also High Elves.

But honestly, I rather High Elves be a seperate playable group for the Alliance then rename the Void Elves.


People… plz just download TRP3. You can literally change everything about your description, including your name. You are making RP choices. Download RP mods. TY for coming to my TEDTalk.


Basically this, Blizz shot themselves in the foot with this whole mess. Void Elves didn’t satisfy the High Elf crowd, so now they are trying to appease them. Should have just added High Elves from the start and avoided this whole mess.


This whole drama of war could have been avoided for 4 years if it did. Even now.


Eeehehhuuhuhuhu :nerd_face: points I see what u did there.

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But why? Why you want a character just so you can enjoy their superficial aspects of them, when you can enjoy the internal aspects of them, like how well written they are, or their personally, their struggle, and so on? In what way that character having it’s superficial traits (like being LGBT and Staright) be front and forecenter of their character as if it’s a personality legitimately adds to the story? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: Edited for poor wording.

There isn’t. They just wanted to use that card. Not saying it’s bad, but come on.

and that really doesnt’ help us high elf fans. Wish people would find better reason than this.

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ACHOO!.. :sneezing_face:

Sorry i’m allergic to Tauren Male Poop. :woozy_face:

…actually. :thinking:

How about you be more open and understanding towards other people first?..

It’s not going to be her last time.

It legitimately adds to how people see themselves represented in media, which in turn makes them care more about the story, seeing as how they can now better relate to the characters in it… I mean, I’m all for story making sense, but tell me how anyone being straight makes sense and adds to the story? Would people be upset if everyone were LGBTQ+, and there were virtually no straight people?

You can have good story WHILE simultaneously balancing the ridiculous ratio that currently is straight/LGBTQ+ representation. The overall volatile reaction to including any marginalized individuals in ANY story, is so telling. Plz have sympathy for viewpoints other than your own, and realize that a gay character isn’t going to ruin your plot.


I think you misunderstood what I said. Because I’ve not said there is anything bad about LGBTQ+ in general.

But when you come into the thread that you want certain race identity changed and then pull the card like that, the excuse doesn’t really help.

If for example, that they want the shipping between Lorthemar with Rommath because they are LGBTQ+ supporter, that’s a different story.

Yes, a gay character isn’t going to ruin lore or story. But the existence of the thread wanting to have high elf or void elf switch isn’t really pertaining or relate to one’s gay identity.

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What a terribly dull state of existence to be trapped in…

I wasn’t responding to you? edit: OH I see, you agreed with the guy I responded to.

Yes, that’s a fair point, but the quote I responded to asked the question none-the-less, and I was simply explaining how any character, in any media, being LGBTQ+ adds to the story no matter what for that audience, because they are so critically under-represented.

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Oh no, i do agree being straight doesn’t add to the story either. Nobody ever thinks that being staright adds to the story. If there was a time where we pandering to staright people and have a character that is openly and loudly saying “i’m staright”, people would have the same problem, because it’s not a personally either. I was posing a question (that is poorly worded now in hindsight) that “how’s making the superficial trait they have that isn’t really relevant (straight or otherwise) to the story, adds to the story?”.

I don’t relate to Taren Zhu because he’s straight, i relate to him because he’s a badass and fed up with the war between the two factions that bought nothing but destruction and death to his land.

Well that depends on how well they write them. If it’s openly and overt, that would be distracting. Even if you flip the script and say they are all straight. We just want well written characters.

Exactly. I didn’t say you can’t. (or at least that’s not my intended message that i will edit and fix)

And Not to mention, most of the people were cool about Shaw/Flynn’s relationship, as well Peagos… (i can’t remember his name) and so on that are in WoW.

Telling of what? Are you suggesting they hated it solely because it’s LGBT?.. I mean if you have to assume malice the intention here, it tells more about those who do the assuming the reactor’s minds then the reactors themselves… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe don’t jump into conclusions and assume hatred and instead actually ask why they react in the way they do or what’s wrong with it?

I’ve not said it doesn’t ruin the plot, please don’t strawman.

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Wait a few years they will be demanding it be removed or a toggle to turn it off. :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:

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Like? … :thinking:

Could you give me examples on how being LGBTQ+ adds to the story?.. or in what way it adds to the story?


Ya so refreshing huh. Stunning and brave.

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All fair points, but I’ve never rly seen Blizzard’s LGBTQ+ representation hamfisted to the point where I roll my eyes.

And I was not speaking to you directly in that last quote (also badly worded, apologies), that was more a broad statement for ppl who get bent out of shape about any gay character being added because they hate “virtue signaling” or are legitimately anti-LGBTQ. I see no issue with your viewpoint after your explanation at all.

It adds to the LGBTQ+ audience’s ability to enjoy said stories, because they can better relate to the characters in it. When you never see yourself represented in media, all media starts to feel the same. For example, name a rom-com that isn’t about a guy and girl? :confused:

I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to rattle that kind of cage in here.

But then again, This is Blizzard/WoW community we are talking about.


I have my own View Points and they sure do not line up with yours People asking for well written characters to be turned gay just to pander to a group is wrong and ruins that character. I think you will find nothing LGBTQ or even the word Gay is even included in the Chinese version.

I’m sorry I agree with Baridorielor.