Allow Void Elves to change their race name

Amen to that next will be let us have Silvermoon city.

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Umm. No. I have to disagree, if not how it will screw up the continuity of the lore of that character, how they are written and how out of nowhere will it be (or just romance with no build up to it what so ever in general), but how this (LGBT) community will take an issue with hamfistedness, and to them it will be worse then nothing or bigotry if it’s done poorly. (Not all of you think that, just some of you)

…Go on. :thinking:

Yeah, i’m just gonna be honest, i don’t understand why some people think like that.

I just play games to… well play games and enjoy the story given to me here. Even something like GTA SA where the cast is completely different from me, i was still able to enjoy it. Heck, The Sims allow you to have LGBT and/or straight relationships. You think that kept me from enjoying it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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In what stories do they make it the most important characteristic? I’d really love some examples, since apparently LGBTQ+ characters are being broadcast daily to us. Somewhere? :thinking:

And by the way, being LGBTQ+ isn’t about “what you do in the bedroom,” it’s about who you choose to spend your time/life with. There are ace gay/bi/lesbian people who literally never do anything in bed except sleep/cuddle… The fact that you’re making this about what happens during intimacy is also very telling. Once again, I think we’re done here. We’re not going to agree, and your sudden lack of CAPSLOCK and snippy comebacks don’t fool me.

You’re fortunate then, to always feel so included that you never notice when you’re not. Really, I envy you.

well there you go you went right to Topic you were arguing about. No one care what people do with their private life, cut and dry. Can not understand how you fail to see that. Think we all have had of enough of the Anduin Wrathion posts, yet people still want it.

I have never discussed intimacy at all how you go that in your mind is perplexing and once again your making a straw man argument and you are not listening at all but have decided i am evil for no reason than your own feelings.

I admire Baridorielor cause he has tried to understand.

They don’t, but i’ve noticed a lot of people (becides the writers) wanted it to be the most important characteristic.

Uhh… no? I wouldn’t call it fortunate, i just don’t understand why that is. Especially since i’ve said (and will now elucidated on) earlier that one of the games i’ve played has a cast that aren’t straight white male like me. Not once i’ve been like “Gosh i so wish this game has white characters that i can play as” even in my life while playing that game.

And yes, i know race and sexual preferences are different, but they both have their same talking points with different names really.

I mean not to talk about my friend again, but my friend is pansexual and she has no problem with playing the games she does. Heck, she even owns a South park game and i think GTA 5 on the consoles.


That’s reasonable, I have seen some incarnations of gay characters that weren’t gay before that just make me facepalm, but for the most part, the representation I’ve seen is good, particularly from Blizzard. Tracer? Love it. Soldier 76? PLZ YES, make the bros mad. :nerd_face: Flynn Fairwind/Shaw were great choices too, and didn’t feel hamfisted at all. The pair of spirits in Ardenweald were good as well, I enjoyed that quest a lot. idk, at this point I just trust Blizz to make the right decision story-wise in-so-far as churning out LGBTQ+ characters from existing lore, AND from yet-to-be-written lore/characters.

This is correct 100%

The entire fanfic/shipping community disagrees with this, but okay. :joy_cat: People definitely care who ends up with who.

I have a weird question, I ask this in all the threads. Why do you assume every npc is straight? You have cursory meetings with them, why would they open with their sexual orientation? It’s like that in life too. Do you ask everyone you meet what their orientation is?

You don’t. No one says “Hi I am Alakhai and I bed X.”


Not really sure why you’re bringing up them, but okay then… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Once again your reaching for things But as you said were done you refuse to understand or even want too.

Good luck Baridorielor I wish you well and a good day or evening.

If we’re being real, any nameplate-changing voodoo Blizz does would be much better served adding class variance (ie, Draenei, Tauren, and Zandalari Paladins become known and referred to as Vindicators, Sunwalkers, and Prelates, respectively) than placating the High Elf crowd again.


I don’t, that’s what I was saying earlier. I ALSO said there’s no way every person on Azeroth knows their preference/themselves to declare with 100% certainty that they are either straight or gay/bi/lesbian. One could argue that there is no homophobia in Azeroth, therefore there would be no culture of shame associated with being LGBTQ+. Which would mean that every character does know their own preferences, or will do as soon as they explore their options… which still leaves room for characters to grow and change and come out as LGBTQ+, after the fact.

Because “no one cares, cut and dry.” I was responding to that. Clearly people care, good lord, nobody here knows what a shipping war is?

I understand perfectly. You said “cut and dry.” That isn’t true, and you know it.

There is none. They built the game where no one is discriminated against at an inn. You want to inject that into the game for selfish reasons. Even worse your take on High Elf LGBTQ, that’s where I knew you were a T.

I have said the same thing to you in every single one of your bait posts, you come back with the same nonsense and fail to address that they actually built a safe space for players.


Can we just agree that the thread was about high elf and void elf changing discussion and it should have never pertained to what we are discussing? OP just threw that random sentence in but it has nothing to do with the focus of the thread.

No it’s about the same people pushing an agenda. I get you want High elves, tons of threads on that.

This isn’t it trust me.