Allow Void Elves to change their race name

As another person who’s gay (not for years, for life), I just don’t really feel the need to see gay characters. That said I also think the issue is extremely conflated and complicated.

If a company adds a gay character, it’s immediately viewed as token diversity. On the other hand gay people make up 7-12% of the population, so the existence shouldn’t be token at all.

I feel, in a lot of ways, that we actually just need to start with token inclusion until it becomes normal. Avoiding “token inclusion” means that gay people don’t exist in media because everything is “token” when it’s not normal. If Anduin takes a wife, that’s just “normal.” If Shaw takes a husband in Flynn Fairwind, it’s viewed as forced insertion. You can’t win unless you just include gay people at an approximately 10% rate, and ignore the complaints until they get over it.

If you have to ask “why are they gay” then, no offense, you’re already stuck on a heteronormative plane.

I don’t care, personally, either way. I just think it’s silly to get upset about the situation. When you ask “why are they gay?” I think you’re asking a ridiculous question. People aren’t gay for a reason. Characters should be approached the same way. There’s no “it fits the narrative” argument, in my mind. A character who’s gay, and occasionally has a partner that we see, is just a person. There’s no need to wonder why they were made gay, because it pre-supposes that we need a reason to have gay characters.

Which, I’d argue, is exactly what should be fought. The argument of “why.”

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Blood Elves are an Alliance Race. roll one of those.

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. My friend would love for his Wildhammer Dwarf to be called a Wildhammer Dwarf.

That being said, at least his racial tag only reads, “Dwarf.”

If he says he’s a wildhammer dwarf you’re not gonna get any forum trolls sending him a picture of his character with the race name circled.

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Uh…no? that’s not right.

I’d like to pose you a question.

If the option were added to select your racial tooltip, do you think players immersing themselves as Sand Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarves, etc… would be unhappy? Do you think the change would upset them? Would they protest it’s addition?

Or might they be pleasantly surprised and gladly take advantage of this new customization option?

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I’m sure they would, but it’s always Helf fans asking for more right after they get something. You may see how this comes off as just capricious.


I would rename to a Valley Elf.

Not quite.

For one thing, I’ve seen plenty of Nightborne fans already asking for more, and for good reason: their additions, while great and appreciated, do little to nothing to address the initial request that was made.

For High Elf players, it’s more or less the same thing. In the case of asking for the ability to select one’s racial tooltip, that offers quite a bit more than just for High Elf players as well. As noted it provides new avenues for Wildhammers or Sand Trolls, but if we ever see Blood Elves get the San’layn/Dark Ranger options (which they should’ve had ages ago), we could as easily see them get the option for the racial tooltip of San’layn.

More options are always better. It’s not the players who decide who gets priority. All we can do is ask if there is something more we want. That’s not capricious in the slightest.


I used to be fairly indifferent towards High Elves, but this incessant Void-Elves-Are-Now-High-Elves crusade has really made me grow to loathe High Elves. Blizzard should have seen this coming and changed Alleria to also be all purply when the Void Elves were introduced.

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youre right but its not too late to change her aesthetic from a blood elf farstrider to an actual void elf. just give her purple/gold armor and blue skin

they did it with sylvanas when she was the ranger general for the blood elves, then her appearance changed again when she led the forsaken, and even now her armor reflects someone serving the jailor

why alleria looks like she should be running around the forests of quel’thalas still after they decided to fanfiction void elves into the game idk

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Because they put zero thought or effort into Void Elves as a race to begin with. It’s pretty obvious from their, ‘lore.’ They weren’t properly seeded into the setting at all, there was no hint of Umbric and his splinter group being exiled from Quel’Thalas, etc… Until Alleria no High/Blood Elf had shown any interest in the Void save for High Astromancer Solarion, but even their toolkit seemed more bent towards cosmic-spells like Sunfire, Starfall, etc…


alt account, check.

troll post? check.

I didn’t use to feel this way until recently, but good lord can we take a break from the void elf becoming high elf demands, please.

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I think we have almost satisfied the players by now and how disastrous this Allied Race was. It’s only natural for people to make pure Alliance High Elves after the have been a game changer since BC and especially after Ion’s mocking tone in the past.

Void options will likely come with the Blood Elf updates.

She doesn’t have BE aesthetic at all, it’s a classic Helf aesthetic. She’s the leader so she doesn’t need to change. Garrosh never looked like an orgrimmar orc after all.

Lol fine.


…the other Blood Elves missed the memo.

They screamed and threw a tantrum until Blizzard gave them Blue Eyes against the Lore.

Meanwhile, those same people protested against giving Void Elf natural colors, despite the fact it’s within the lore due to Alleria.

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This never went against lore, in fact it was always said that this would return to Blood Elves in time. But we all know that the only reason some people don’t want this to be true is so they can keep spinning there own false narrative.


get real.

I mean Ion gave an interview literally a week before the blue eyes were added where he said Blood elves had evolved past the blue eyes.

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And Ion ain’t the lore guy, it has been well established before that any fel radiation on blood elves would eventually dissipate over time. It’s why they got gold eyes, blue would of been a natural second step.

Until it’s relevant to the anti-helfers debate then suddenly his word is God.