Change race name to Wildhammer

Hey y’all

The following was posted on the European forums, and I am bringing it here:



A dwarf is a dwarf. Which flavour dwarf you are can be add with RP addons like TRP2 and so on.


I’d rather allied races stop being a slight difference in culture. More of the allied races should have been customization options and not a not a stand alone race.


Yeah they kinda went the opposite way with Trolls. There are Zandalari Trolls, and then the other Trolls. They used to be specifically Darkspear, but now I think the skin tones reflect the various tribes.

Wildhammer Dwarves are not a race, they are a faction. There isn’t anything that from an evolution/biology view that sets them apart from the typical Dwarves we have now. This is different from cases like Dark Iron Dwarves, and the above mentioned Zandalari - these have distinguishable physical differences.


The same applies to Kul Tirans. And yet…


I’d rather have more customization options baked into current races, instead of adding more ar’s.


The thing when blizzard decided to give us more option, they also decided to kill the opportunity to really play those race. What they gave us is a RP tool but nothing in that is canon. So when you put tattoo on your dwarf, you are still not a WH dwarf. Same goes for troll who are still darkspear troll even if they can look like a sand troll or a dark troll.

It is weird that barely no one remember the interview where they basically kill the idea of customisation to be canon since people who care about lore were kind of hyped to the idea of other race/clan to join the faction.

I always ask for the source of this or a link to the interview and no one ever manages to find it.

Do you have the link by any chance?

Fair. But they are the exception to the rule at this point with Allied Races.

Its depend, Both have their pro and con. Customisation don’t give you a different name and don’t make your racial to match your race. There is also the class problem were you might not have the possibility to play a class that match that ‘’ Allied race’’.

Personalty i always dream of having both. I wish they gave us some bland reskin customisation in order to rp while having to race change while also giving us the true allied race that come with it with the racial,the class and maybe more than just a reskin but you would have to level from srap every time.

No because it seem to be really hard to find. I gave up finding it after 1+hour of research the other day…

All i can recall is that the interviewer asked if the customisation implied thing like more troll joining the horde or something like that and the dev clearly didn’t want it and kind of try to escape it by saying that customisation was more of a RP tool so people could look like what they want.

It looked like the dev where afraid to have to find a lore explanation for every customisation and didn’t want to deal with everything it would have imply.

Ah, but that’s different though.

The developer didn’t confirm or deny those are canon. Most probably because he himself doesn’t know, and devs haven’t probably discussed that in depth.

We’ll see in a future I guess.

I reckon races should just have more effort put into them.

So you pick a dwarf, then pick a dwarf “sub-race” that has different racials and starting location.

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Merge some Allied races with their Core race counterparts.
Dwarf + DID
Orc + Mag’Har
Draenei + LFD
Troll + Zandalari
Human + KT
Tauren+ HMT

Then, make a Toggle for sub-categories, to include race themes in the main race.
Dwarf → Wildhammer Dwarf, DID
Orc → Mag’Har, Fel Orc
Draenei → LFD, Eredar
Troll → Zandalari, Forest Troll
Human → KT, Skinny
Blood elf → Dark Ranger, San’Layn
Void elf → High elf
Tauren → HMT

Those sub-categories will exist only for RP, customization and tidiness purposes, and will be switchable at the Barber, possibly opening up slots for new Allied races down the line. This will also allow for the creation of class skins later on, to spice classes up and make them available to more races.


That doesn’t work for all allied races because they have unique racials and such.

They could polish that up by removing some racials and leaving just the strongest to be applicable to the entire race and its subraces. OR their racials could change depending on which sub-race you picked.


It dosent matter that much anymore if you choose exile reach, as you beggning tou pretty much can be anything

What about vulpera? Would it be a goblin subrace?

100% agree. All the allied races should just be hard baked customization pages and unlockables from questing and doing the base lore. They were only made separate for the race change money.

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