Allow Void Elves to change their race name


whaddya mean “for years” ? :thinking:


It would be really cool for all the ‘subraces’ to have the option to display their proper race names.


There’s an addon that not only allows you to change the name of your race but Class as well. It also allows you to add a sir and maiden name as well.

You’re talking about TRP, correct?

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What a weird post but no.

You choosen to play a void elf, as such you are a void elf.

Void elf sounds better than high elf imo we are wow’s dark elves


Except, we can chose to play as we wish. We can even chose to play as a High Elf, as Ely Canon as stated.


hmm this is a really good point actually

For the price of $10 with tax your name can be Highelf.

Character customizations.

Blood elves are pure, void elves are tainted. It’s a yin and yang theme, There are players who enjoy the void theme it would be selfish to remove the void completely. Blizz did give customizations to RP as you please. I’m not against people who want to RP as helfers, RP to me is imagination and creation of who you want your character to be.

I think they should give 3 new void options for those who enjoy the void. Void Elves have enough for an AR after that. Let them give the other AR’s some love, I don’t think withered option for nightborn would be a good idea because of lore and I don’t see anyone playing as withered. Withered are mostly mindless zombies who are mana attics.

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How have you been gay for years? That doesn’t make sense to me

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Giant angry Elves that tear people in half…

If a void elf isn’t a void elf, it is a Blood Elf. Are you saying we should have Blood Elves for alliance and horde?
If you don’t like the void of the void elf, Blood Elves are right there for you to play. If you just can’t handle the horde aspect then you just prove that if you give a group of people something very similar to what they have been asking for, they will still say “i want more, its not good enough” until they get exactly what they want. You guys are like little children.


If that was the case then why not let Humans call themselves lordaerians or Stromgardians instead of Stormwind or Dwarf Race calling themselves name Wildhammer than Dwarf and etc?

Who cares? Why should someone be satisfied when they didn’t get what they wanted?


I agree! Add a toggle in character customization.


I remember the three years of “But Blood Elves are High Elves.”

So… in that tradition.

“But Void Elves are Blood Elves.”

High Elf > Blood Elf > Void Elf.


OMG stop being annoying, got the colours, got the to tentacles option, get over it.


The anti-High Elf rhetoric is pretty annoying.

We got the tentacles option, got the colours, now we’d like a race toggle. How about you get over it?


But Blood Elves aren’t trying to go back to being High Elves. Trolls came before Night Elves and so on.

I’m not anti-high elf.
But you don’t see wildhammer fans asking for this, or farraki troll fans, or highborne fans.

People accept they are subraces and don’t go needing more and more reassurance.

Blood elves will end up becoming trolls again.