Allow Void Elves to change their race name

I have always quoted more Metzen then Ion, since he actually was more of the lore guy.

But quoting Ion seems to be the go to for both camps. Doesn’t change the fact that:


spoilers maybe? theyre the same thing. like literally, the same race. they all come from silvermoon

shes literally called a blood elf hero in this quest

also here are some quotes from the devs, creators of the lore

“blood elves are OUR high elves” - chris metzen

“lady sylvanas was once a high elf, and therefore a blood elf” - jeff kaplan

“spoilers guys, blood elves? pretty much high elves” - ion hazzikostas

do you really not understand why you got void elves yet? letting them look like an easter egg was the only way this fanfiction could happen


No. Nope. Nada.

i wish that were true. they could have given all high elven npcs gold eyes right after this. and your void elf would still only be blue

Ive seen a few posts over the last two years where they’ve already made that demand.

Reminds me of the story, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.

Blood elf players always have the most to say in void elf threads. Good thing they’re not the ones in charge otherwise we void elves wouldn’t have options to look like our racial leader


I guess that means the blue eyed elf mage trainer they just added in orgimmar is a Horde High elf lol

Where’s any of the fair skinned, blue eyed Void elf npcs I wonder


Hi guys just doing my part to bump this thread

BE aesthetic changed drastically when they became Blood elves. Their looks aren’t the same at all. I don’t understand why belf players keep missing their own race development.


lmao? /10

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Do you not think this is a good idea??

You are literally the definition of “given an inch, Take a mile”


(post deleted by author)

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Seriously? 2 Years?

EDIT: You can delete your post all you want. You can’t hide yourself from the forums.

Being able to change race names is an interesting concept and definitely shouldn’t be limited to Void Elves.

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40 posts
0 achievements
level 21

Seems legit.

Elves have been given a bad story. Let’s make them bisexual?

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You mean like Subrace feature with Name Change of Void Elf to High Elf?

That would be something that will make Allied Races better.


Only Blood Elves are High Elves. Tentacles are void puppets.


Haha, you helf fans never cease to amaze me.

Sorry but no, enjoy your fake helves. Even with pale skins you still have velf racials


The Alliance got everything. High Elves, former Blood Elves, Void Elves and Dark Rangers. Everything based on customization. It would help them a lot.