Allied races for Worgen and undead: Nelf Worgen and San'layn

I also wish they would give Goldrinn the “Malorne” treatment with a gorgeous model update. It would be awesome to see him in the Dream or something while doing the quest line to unlock the nelf worgen… if it came to be.


My belf blood dk agrees with you.

I don’t but mostly because there’s not as much players base as there used to be and most that I’ve noticed that remain are casuals. Not saying all are so staph now with the “you said” crap.

With that said, maybe that’s why alliance been sucking for a while now. I honestly don’t remember it being that dead on horde side of my server.

I have lightforged draenei pally and besides tattoos and skin color, the only difference I’ve noticed is you can’t not have horns on lightforged.

Like literally they have to have horns.

This dk has no horns and it’s awesome because I can fully armor him without losing something that isn’t there lol

My pally has horns and I literally have like 5 o.k. looking Mogs that can work with any set I’d pick for him

That would be really neat, I agree.

We weren’t talking about humans, but elves.

We have enough humans too.

This would be amazing, I’d also love to see them tied in with the Night Elves and Worgen under the Army of the Black Moon.

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Personally, I’m not a fan of either idea considering the sanlayn among the horde were wiped out in the alliance war campaign. And nelf worgen… I don’t know where the racial difference is between normal worgen and until they update the base worgen model… no.

If they add them, good for folks who want them, but I will not give them the time of day to bother. I’ll unlock them because I’m a completionist… but I would never role one up

Stoooooooooooooop with the Elves and San’layn already.
Seriously. It’s not even funny anymore. It’s just sad at this point.
We don’t need more elves.


You clearly didn’t read any of the threads or suggestions posted.

It’s also obvious this wouldn’t happen until they update the worgen models currently because they’d probably be doing it based off that instead.


Wow this would actully be really cool… However I think Nelves Worgen a and Human Worgen would need a lot of cosmetic love to set them apart…IMO

Even though we have the Void Elves as an answer to both High/Darkfallen cries for a pretty exotic elf on Alliance. I love to see Darkfallen in WoW at this point just to see the Forums burn in chaos… and check to see how does same people who complain have a Darkfallen in the Profile account just like they have a Void elf character… lol I would drink their tears in a fine glass of perfect irony! :smiling_imp:
DO it Blizz DO IT!! :rofl:


Four slots left on the current AR roster. Fingers crossed you’re seeing this Blizz. Hoping you make this happen.

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Different fur colors, Deer Horns, Tattoos, minor mutations.

There’s plenty to work with.


Ooooo that be so cool! :hushed:

Like reading through this thread, I have one thing to say to the people who say “no more elves”…what other choices exist for undead or worgen?

Let’s be honest: there isnt really any.

Saberon? Sure they now exist on Azeroth thanks to the Maghar storyline (like the Botani and Goren) but they are notably known for being enemies to the orcs. In their culture, they are known for eating humanoid creatures. Ontop of that, we had a reputation devoted to killing them.

I will also mention that they are also the only civilized Draenor race without any lore coverage in Chronicles 2.

Lightforged Undead: You mean the controversial bs at the end of BtS with Calia Menethil? Why? They are a complete lore abomination.


To anyone reading this, just updated my original post. If these two are the allied races you want eventually in BFA, then show as much support as you can on the disussion and megathreads. Let Blizz know these two would be loved.

Again for reference:


Technically no. We don’t. As far as playable races go, there’s 2 elf choices per faction.3 if you count dh as their own race because horns and wings.

But, when had the game ever been about need? Blizzard didn’t ask what we need. They asking what we want.

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I’m convinced we need elf worgen.

I’d make one. As long as they were actually cats instead of dogs

If the Nelf Worgen have been in the Emerald Dream maybe some of them have glowing extremities like Cenarius. Green, red and blue.

They could be given a more feral design due to having been Worgen much longer than Gilneans have. Maybe they don’t even have the ability to change back into their Night Elf form.

They could have hairstyles that incorporate some of the feathers that are popular in Night Elf designs.


That’s an idea. We’ve already seen Nelf worgen bot in-game and in the comics (Bloodfang, Terrowulf, Nightbane, etc), and they seem to look exactly the same. (Except Alton Redding). But those were all summoned in vanilla, and it’s been a few years since then. Then again… what’s a few years compared to the 9,300 years they were already imprisoned? Could be a Nightmare or Elunic anomaly in the portion of the dream that they’re sleeping, making them more unique.

I don’t know about the “more feral design”. Lore-wise, they don’t have tails, they’re not taller, and they’re not purple. They got turned into worgen, just like a human is turned into a worgen. Buuuut… they may have kaldorei tattoos, and a bunch of scars options.

I like the hair/mane styles idea. Even the Nightbane worgen in the Dark Riders comic had a bunch of braided mane styles, as well as rings in/on their fangs.

It’s also entirely possible that the questline that helps them control their rage, making them useful allies, could include blessings of deities or demigods like Cenarius, which could manifest as additional customization options.

I don’t know how interested I am in having weird glowy bits or antlers but I fully back it as a customization option for those that want them.

I just want my night elf druid to turn into a worgen as well as wolf based battle forms. Mmm wolves.

I just find it odd the humans get so large, but the night elves stay the same size? Where’s the additonal body mass coming from? =P

I prefer the regular colors myself, but if there’s a good reason for it, I don’t mind more variety.

I’ve been kinda thinking Satyr with Nightmare influenced druid forms would be a neat horde counterpart to the Night Elf Worgen. Give it some good background on why they’d join. Either one could be in response to the otherside recruiting the opposite. Could be made to work if there was an interest. Had thought the Nightborne might have an issue but they were walled off from the War of the Satyr, and I’m unsure how much contact they’d have had during the War of the Ancients since that’s when they put up their wall. Plus the whole former legion minions looking for a group to band together with for survival kinda works with horde themes.