Alliance: Pick your last allied race

you know i like more monstrous races like orcs/tauren though. so broken, to me, would be cool. :slight_smile:

Look, I am not going to tell you you’re wrong for what you want. I am legitimately curious.

Sethrak would be it personally. It is the best one out of them all with thmost potential and most unique appearance.

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tauren dont strike me as monstrous. cows are kinda nice. :smiley:

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14% high elf
23% sethrak
8% mogu
16% saberon
13% jinyu/ankoan
8% Night elf worgen

Yes i did just tally up nearly 250 comments for you :stuck_out_tongue:




I feel i need to go back and recount the other section as it was such a majority

I agree with you sooo much in this thread!

I was crushed when Wildhammer Dwarves were a customisation option…

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You do know I was in no way serious? Right?

You might have counted my vote as High Elf because I was defending them as a race.

But my vote is Kaldorei Worgen. Druids of the pack and whatnot.

I shall re tally

23% sethrak
16% saberon
14% high elf
13% jinyu/ankoan
8% mogu
8% Night elf worgen

And then 16% of random one offs that only 1 or 2 other people supported


Yep, but I took the chance to express my feelings regarding kobolds :smiley:

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Sethrak Sethrak Sethrak!


Kyrian with Uthar Lightbringer as they leader.

High Elves and Sethrak, but really add everything give the game huge diversity.

WoW should be the best mmorpg through gameplay and race choices :grin:

this one is out there but I do like them

Totally fair :slight_smile: And the cart thing going to SW was a nice touch :slight_smile:

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I think it’s a good idea to give alliance both Sethrak and HEs because they got upgraded mounts but they were the same mounts they already had.
While those horses looked great it still seemed as if alli got a bit shafted in that area so give them both HEs and Sethrak.
Might fix the pop balance a bit, too.
I don’t mind the vulpera but they don’t really seem to fit the horde imo.

Seems they should have gone alliance but it is what it is.

  • Saberon should be horde.
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High Elves/Half Elves.

I was ignoring this thread on purpose, but since the OP has used it to “prove” there’s no demand for high elves…

I choose high elves.

you dont think a race of previously enslaved scavengers who now brutely fight for all they have fits the horde?

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