Alliance: Pick your last allied race

They’re just so cuddly. When you put it like that, I guess they do.

I still think Alli should get both Sethrak and HEs. The HEs could be done differently though, as HE is a caste, not a race.

So it’d be NEs and VEs that could earn the HE achieve and have customized blue eyeballs.

DKs everywhere will hate me for that but I think it’s a good idea.

cute little fox guys and girls.
come on… they’re too cute for their own good. atleast when pandaren were added, we all remembered ‘oh yeah! they’re BEARS!’.

Sethrak :snake:


Have you met Nisha.
Plus when you annoy them they say something like “we kill for less you know?”

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they only made Nisha that way so certain people won’t think they’re cute. guess what? they are. besides, her attempts at being threatening are adorable. :laughing:

i will admit I do want to give them all massive cuddles.
But they are also super deadly

That’s even worse.

High elves
Higher elves
Highest elves

How about no!

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I’ve been alliance since beta and we only ever want 2 things: high elves and vulpera. 15 years begging for high elves and vulpera and now horde get them both?

I think alliance should have vulpera/high elf hybrid as our next allied race. VULPELVES. That is the only way its fair. Blood elf model but orange and furry. fox ears but no tails!!!

Did you not read my post? I said pretty clearly im not gonna argue against high elves. I was challenging sethrak being second.

Heck, im more suprised theres only that many high elf threads

what about highelf/sethrak cross breed? Can be some scaly elves with no legs?

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I’m sorry have you payed attention? They’re amoral thieves when it comes to survival. They make use of you to get things done and only really reward you with what they’re willing to lose. They’re conniving, quick witted, manipulative, vicious, adorable, thieving, survivalists, with the occasional penchant for slaughtering their enemies.

They belong with the horde. No the horde belongs with them!

They’re certaintly better than goblins and gillgoblins.


She hates anyone who isn’t gung-ho for Alliance Thalassians, don’t pay it any mind.

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I feel like you didn’t play through the Horde vulpera quests. Nisha is as hardcore as it gets. She’s way more savage and bloodthirsty than any race they’ve added since TBC.

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What I want: Manari Eredar.

What I’m expecting to get: Something so boring that I can’t be bothered to speculate because again the horde gets the interesting AR.

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nope. she’s not a helfer. she thinks they’re boring and passe

one person does not equal an entire race. just cause nisha’s vicious, does’nt mean the rest are. if it did, then orcs would’ve made peace with the alliance and all be shamans, cough thrall cough.

Saberon used to hunt and eat orcs. No thanks.

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I must be thinking of another crabby gnome!

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