Alliance: Pick your last allied race

if the alliance could appreciate a good BBQ the way the horde does there’d be less faction conflict, imo.

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Cat people

Can I say here how frustrating it is we help the Krokuun in Argussian Reach and get a completely unrelated Allied Race?

Broken Draenei and Ogres have been left out to rot for whatever reason (my guess is still lack of gendered models). At this point if they announced Ogres with 1 head or 2 instead of Male/Female and Broken as just slight variants (Fel hits hard) I’d be happy.


To be fair the Mag’har orcs were random as hell too

i would’ve rather had broken as well (i play both) i came back to velves being a thing though which really made no one but antis (who are trolling) happy.

i’ve always wanted an orc priest so i don’t care how random they were. >_>


How is it nullified?

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here we go. XD

The Dark Iron do a good job of being relevant in the War Campaign so I agree the Mag Har could’ve used some love there in terms of “wait what”.

Then again it’s a bit perplexing to easily know which timeline orc we are even talking about anymore.

i did the horde war campaign before the alliance one. didn’t like the alliance one nearly as much. DID were a cool addition though i’ll give you that.

i suggested a work around for female ogres. make the male gender devastatingly beautiful. as part of their mating ritual the males surrender their good looks and nuanced intellects to their females. and to be qualified as warriors, they must be mated. they gain physical superiority and lose iq and physical beauty. their females become intellectual geniuses and quite beautiful. she’s the brain and he’s the brawn. for some reason, not many people liked this idea. hehe

Its the only reason I am playing Itlatn. DiD are so cool

This isn’t a high elf thread.
Its a way to try and find out what the alliance wants and rank them.
If something does come out as number 1 and it never happens thats fine too.
Its just a way of discussing and letting blizzard know what people want from the game.

If sethrak come out as number 2 and that happens then great.
If Mogu is a number 3 then cool too.

I think an issue with the Mag Har is that they aren’t really much different from just, y’know, orcs. If they had gone the route they turned to the void to protect them from the Lightforged assault and the Shadowmoon was the new leader over the Warsong that would’ve been an interesting take and could’ve at least had a “void” race on each faction.

whats the score so far? for the record, of the two, i prefer high elves.

I just wish to know her viewpoints, simple a that

No you don’t, you want to tell me I’m wrong for holding them.


it’s off topic to this thread about alliance future allied races to try to turn this into an only helf thread. do you have any ideas for different races for the alliance? i’m happy with kt and mechagnomes but i realize most aren’t.

Sethrak, please


broken though, look like they are in alot of pain. their spinal cord is hanging out of their spines. /shudder