Alliance: Pick your last allied race

High Elf or Sethrak?
You have one slot and these are the 2 most asked for races.

(if other say what and why. Have fun with it though.)

Most recent results

23% sethrak
16% saberon
14% high elf
13% jinyu/ankoan
8% mogu
8% Night elf worgen

And then 16% of random one offs that only 1 or 2 other people supported

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I’ll pick a combo of High Sethrak. That way, no one will be completely disappointed.


Blue eyed sethrak?
I’m down for that.


Neither. Mogu all the way.


I wont argue against high elves but I feel like Jinyu/Ankoen have not only been more asked for, but are also way more plausible than Sethrak.


Sethrak should have been the race announced alongside Vulpera. Perhaps they’ll join later alognside giblin (riiiiight).

Quel’Dorei are among the most deserving playable options, they deffinitly should happen, they wont happen. Same goes for Wildhammer (for real, no random “Dwarf” customizations), Stonemaul Ogres and Amani Trolls.


Sethrak. Helfs are just blue eyed Belfs and we already have the model with Velfs. Sethrak look awesome and would be a blast to play.


While I wouldn’t be against Sethrak, I would love to see Murlocs or like Ankoan/Jinyu on Alliance, because an aquatic druid would be awesome, and I’m fully convinced our final AR is going to have both Paladin and Druid options to even out race combos between factions.


Wait, don’t the Sethrak work better with the horde?


We work with them too. In our war campaign, we save their home and their leader.

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I’m a bit lacking on this particular department but I do believe the Alliance helped them more than Horde canonically…might be wrong though.

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half elves, using the african, asian and caucasian skin tones from humans. smaller ears than other elves but still pointy and shorter eyebrows than other elves, but still elven. and curly hair and long, poker straight hair as options


they are more suited for the Horde but alliance has helped them too (not as much but there are relations there) and they are currently neutral.
Plus the alliance says they want them but horde players haven’t really been asking for them.

So why not let alliance have them I say.


You did the same stuff we did but the alliance version. We save literally the same dude. Go to the same temple. And help with the same problem.


Okay. The guy asked a question, that being are we involved with them. I answered his question.

Right above him, I say Murloc or Ankoan/Jinyu for our last spot. I wasn’t making a case for playable Sethrak.

To be fair, it hardly matters. I mean, I still have no idea why would a Pandaren or a Nightborne be Horde…and most certainly I don’t know what in the twisting nether are Velves doing in the Alliance…but eh, wow logic.


our only unused alliance skeletons are worgen and alliance pandas, i think. could do tuskarr for panda skeleton and saberons for worgen skeleton

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sethrak are female worgen I think


I know. I was pointing out that the horde and alliance did mirror version of the same plot. Sethrak if anything are a True neutral race in the alliance vs horde situation.

Realistically I think Jinyu/Ankoan (I know there is no female model but make pandaria jinyu the “male” and the Ankoan “female” bam problem solved) would be the most logical for next allied race on the alliance.

Personally I’d love to see mogu, we do have friendly ones coming in 8.3 so there may be a chance after I see the story on both sides.

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I’d pick Alliance High Elves for a few reasons.

a) it’s a highly requested option
b) it would actually stop requests for Alliance High Elves
c) more options is always better
d) I like elves