All TBC servers will progress to WOTLK

exactly - SoM style TBC should be its own thing eventually but I want proper permanent TBC era servers


i am just about to hit lvl 70 haha i just wanna clone my toon and progress thru wrath and tbc simultaneously


thats not good enough i want to play tbc with tbc talents although that does seem kinda cool


For TBC, I always assumed at the end we would be able to keep characters in a TBC era, and I wanted to keep a copy of my Resto shaman in tbc, just like I did for Classic. And it actually bumped up to two toons I wanted to keep in TBC, my druid and my shaman. But Going onto wrath, I wanted pretty much all toons to progress to wrath. After wrath, though, I only wanted to bring my shaman forward if they go further, and even that would have been copied to both. But that’s because if we go Cata after wrath, my only intention is to level my shaman to max, and then park it till Mists, level it to max, park it till warlords, level it to max, park it till legion, and then play legion and never progress again. But would be perfectly content staying in wrath forever.

Granted without LFD, wrath has lost quite a bit of it’s appeal to me. I enjoyed queing into random dungeons as a healer or tank, to pass time on my off raid nights. It was generally fun, made lots of friends through LFD, even changed servers a couple of times to join guilds on other servers because of people I met in LFD whom I never would have met without it. Never been a huge fan of going out and doing dailies, but queing into LFD as a tank or healer, gave almost as much gold sometimes more gold than doing a daily, but was far more fun.


i actually dont care if lfd is in at launch but they should add it in very soon

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Maybe my take is totally wrong, but simply between the two, I would have thought that more people would be interested in TBC forever than Vanilla. I know I definitely am, and as such am disappointed that I don’t have that option unless I seek out private servers. Which have their own issues.


been on warmane for the last 5 years only came back to get ready for Wotlk classic. Private servers have their problems but at least we can play the game we love.


A lot of people have near zero interest in wotlk?

Let me tell you about a lot of people and zero interest… Anything having to do with tbc and som.

Awful expansion, get us out of this garbage ASAP

im a fan of the 3 original xpansions i think alot of people here just want tbc era and wrath era to always come back too


dammmm take notes blizzard wtf?!?!?!


There should always be a way to play vanilla, TBC and WOTLK on their own live servers.


I wonder if there will be a cata classic. They’re trying to make wrath vanilla but I don’t see how you can make cata vanilla.

100% there will be. They have all the patch data. Its easy money.

I’d assume when Wotlk is ending and they migrate the realms you can just pay them 25 bucks a piece to immortalize them in Lich King land.

I agree. All versions of Classic deserve preservation as great games.


All they need to do is not have 10 realms in classic, make it two PVE realm and two pvp realms, that will condense the population and make it active, I never got the play on classic but now there is no option to play on classic anymore without having a realm be pretty dead.

i dont even see why they are keeping the servers up anymore at this point, 10 low pop realms for what? squish them down into 2 server’s PVP and PVE and just let what happens happen…

because is this gonna happen with TBC?

then were gonna have

Classic be a ghost town with 10 low pop servers
TBC be a ghost town with 10 low pop servers
and then WOTLK will be the new king.

then what happens after that? three era’s with tons of low pop realms?


era could be great if they did that also having seasonal toons dump into these servers


soooooo ture more than enough people on fourms are saying they want tbc classic era we neeeeed it


during an ign interview lead classic guy said there wont be tbc era realms once wrath comes out so u need to assume otherwise you will more than likely be forced into cata once wotlk ends. and you can also assume wotlk will be very rushed

I don’t see a huge demand for Cata Classic. I’m not real worried about being forced into it. I think they’ll stop at Wrath. Or maybe do a true Classic+ at that point. Or just start over the Vanilla-Wrath process