All TBC servers will progress to WOTLK

the 25 vanilla realms are dead, SoM is poppin tho with 5 servers.

i mean i would play cata classic but more importantly i just want era servers for every expansion that way i can continue progress indefinitely. it makes no sense to have classic era and not tbc era when tbc only requires 25 man raiding and is much more supportative of a smaller population. even though classic era still works out great!!!


They really need ONE PvP and ONE PvE server
Emphasis on ONE. Remaining TBC population needs to be dumped on the same server.
Then lock the expansion to that time and never ever touch it again.

The allure of TBCC for me was the premise that I could take as long as I wanted to wrap up the content, or even stay there indefinitely by cloning my character. Yes, I will play Wrath too, but I know a lot of players that would love to just casually stay in TBC and run a raid or 2 a month. Just shooting the breeze.

Now I find out that, no, I can’t be a casual and take my time… Because soon TBC will be gone again, ready or not. So if I don’t manage to clear the expac before say, november, I will never be able to. So the reason I joined Classic will be pulled.

ONE server of each PvP and PvE. That’s not asking for the moon.
Even if there’s few ppl on it, if we’re all on the same server, it works.


Did the interview say no TBC servers in it?

I am wondering if they are trying something diffrent for the transtion to Wrath classic as the cloneing process was very messy going into TBC and doing everyone at once may not be the best idea this time around. Maybe they have us go to Wrath and then you pick if you want to stay in TBC instead of the other way around so they don’t have to clone every single player out there and possibly lose people’s charcthers again.

They stated that all TBC servers will progress to Wrath but that doesn’t mean they won’t do a seasonal TBC later.

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Well I meant they just make a non seasonal TBC server after words to avoid the cloneing nightmare. I think I had a freind who lost a charchter for a few days and had to submit a ticket to get it back.

Yeah, I’m confident at some point in the future they will do a seasonal TBC server but as it will be starting fresh and I won’t be able to continue with this character I’m not terribly interested in that.


even if they did a seasonal server theres no era to go to after so even more dumb


So, if in a couple years they do Season of the Scourge or some other better name for it where they take the game balance QoL and balancing changes from the end of the Lich King era, but start out with a level 60 level cap and progress through MC > Naxx > TBC > Sunwell, etc. etc. I’d probably be interested in that sort of an approach. But personally, the game loses a lot of luster for me after the Lich King era. I am quite partial to the old school talent trees. Call me crazy.


Small Indie Developer can’t afford to keep the lights on and run TBCC servers forever.


Something like that.


They should 100% add at least a couple tbc era realms. I really hope they change this. Theres noting crazy about 1 or 2 servers for tbc version of our characters to remain on. It would also be a place for potential seasonal tbc characters to go after the season is over. The classic era realms aren’t as dead as you may think, on mine there’s 3 or so guilds doing naxx weekly. Its a tight knit community.


yes brother speak the truth

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Blizzard has really done a number on TBCC since launch. They added SoM during P2 which dragged a lot of people away who never managed to really get their foot in the door again after leaving. They then dragged out P2 unnecessarily long for whatever reason and now they’ve rushed out P4 right after P3 when almost everyone isn’t done with or ready for P5 which is due out soon. The double phase is going to be even shorter than P2 which is ridiculous.

They obviously needed something to juice the numbers situation given they have 0 planned content at Blizzard until 2023 and shoved wrath in for 2022 to keep the subs going. But they’ve really taken away an experience many of us who are still playing the game properly were enjoying and they aren’t even offering a way for people to keep playing TBCC. It really sucks.


They should at least give those who want to stay in TBC an option like they did with Classic to TBC change.


All servers continued to TBCC, too. Probably a paid option to clone, or an option to stick into new eternal TBCC servers, with potentially a TBCC SoM run in 6 months time, so you can run it all again across 4 months instead.

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no they announced they wont be doing an eternal tbc realm this fourms is asking for blizzard to change their minds and give us tbc era


I have 2 lvl 18 alliance toons on WoW Classic but they’re only lvl 2 on TBC Classic?

I would like to see an option to clone WoW Classic toons over to WotLK Classic and have them overwrite my TBC Classic clones.

that would be hard to develop, maybe they could clone our characters when we buy the clone and have it so we can do that when we want and progress them to next expansion that way

i am a tbc fan. wotlk is gonna be even better this time around, so i’m excited for it. but tbc is my fav. having a seasonal tbc would be cool, though i do like progression also. its fun to show off your mounts and gear and seasonal erases that after a few months. argh, not sure how to feel about it