All Monks Need to Yell for Changes

The whole design of the bastion convenant ability is baffling for windwalkers. why on earth would they give us an ability that raises mastery but encourages a play that doesn’t use it? it’s not that it’s boring it just feels wrong.

At the moment I don’t see any reason for ww monks to desire being kyrian. I just don’t get it

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Either they are truely not understanding the issues with the mastery and think its great. Or they don’t understand the lack of interaction with out kit.

It does less healing for MW than a soulbind trait in a necrolord tree now too. And mastery has been our worst stat since our legion rework, since it only works with four of our spells.

It’s almost like they just don’t know what to do with monks, so they just give us random things that sound good on paper. I doubt anyone on the dev team even plays one.

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4 spells 2 of which we want to avoid like the plauge half the time

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So in SL all three Paladin specs will function around Holy Power. Makes sense.

But Brewmaster and Windwalker for Monks will have Chi as they always have but Mistweaver won’t?

Revert MW back to Chi/Uplift/Mana Tea with Crane Stance being proper Fistweaver and take WW back to Legion.


It’d be really nice to get a blue post telling us what they intend MW’s playstyle to be. Are we supposed to be melee healers? Are we supposed to sit back and heal at range? If it’s supposed to be flexible (awesome) then talent choices need to reflect that and synergize in meaningful ways for both playstyles.

…not to mention the bugs. Holy moley the bugs on the PTR are insane. We’re going into tuning and like half the MW kit actually works the way tool tips read.


If they’re not willing to make big changes, fine. But at least making fistweaving decent in SL through small changes:

  • Revert cap on Rising Mist duration increase now that corruptions will be gone.
  • Increase range on/make heal smarter on Ancient Teachings of the Monastery legendary so it will heal lower health targets as priority and hit ranged party members.
  • Make heals smart on Invoke Chi-Ji so it prioritizes lower health targets.
  • Remove Invoke Chi-Ji 50% heal nerf to Spinning Crane Kick now that SCK has a 6-target cap.

And of course change Mastery. It just doesn’t affect enough of the MW kit.

As it is right now, I really want to play MW in SL. But it’s hard when Conduits and Covenants are so sub-par and there’s only 1 good legendary in Tear (and maybe one mediocre when AToTM gets bug fixed). It’s frustrating when the community gives so many ideas for improvement and we can’t even get bug fixes. It just seems like we’re better of playing another class and that’s what Blizz wants.

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We better get a nice and pretty BLUE post tomorrow explaining their intentions with this class. We’re tired of being bugged every expansion or carrying bugs from past expansions.

Also still sad to see MW in the sad state it has been. No reason to focus on Essence Font when so many monks dislike the ability. WoD/MoP playstyle was everything.

Once more for any MW monks who missed this gem. Start of the video - 2hours 36mins



I wish monks had more baseline chi based abilities. I would love to have a Spinning Fire Blossom (without root) type of skill for all three specs. A ranged skill other than CJL would be great, something that kind of works like crucible of flames essence.

Other changes I would like to see are:

Maybe a Brewmaster group utility skill for raids, and some sort of fix for PVP. I’m not asking BM monks to be super viable in rated content like arena, but at least make stagger work better in PVP so BM monks can guard nodes or run flags. Also can we increase the base damage of BM?

For MW monks I know there are many issues, lots of great feedback from the community and a detailed bug list. Few things I would like to see are, better DPS rotation that feels fluid, more damage, a snare, interrupt, and another raid utility spell. Oh and I would love to have chi back as a resource.

Just wanted to add, make rushing jade wind and refreshing jade wind into a toggle please (I’m lazy). Also tweak zen flight so it can be a slow fall in non flying zones or in combat.


Brewmaster actually also had chi removed in the legion rework…their spec is being overly simplified and I see some BrM players complaining that it’s getting boring to play.

Brew and MW deserve to get chi back, honestly, it was a great mechanic.


Yep now with no chi and ISB gone in place of shuffle its going to be a very low skill entry spec without much ceiling room either.


Edit: Icyveins article was for last weeks changes but was written an hour ago Jumped the gun abit.


Respectfully you switched two weeks ago. There are a lot of underlying issues with windwalker that people don’t typically stick around long enough to find out about. A majority of our abilities prevent us from auto attacking. SEF ends up as a net DPS loss anytime a new borrowed power is added. Most borrowed abilities do not interact with our mastery and disrupt the flow. If a mob is killed during FoF channel we are combat locked for five seconds and unable to mount. On top of all of this, apparently 3 out of the 4 covenant abilities are bugged on the beta. On the surface the spec is very fun but unfortunately it is riddled with bugs.



So let’s see what happens next week I guess.

Edit: Thanks, Blizzard, for at least letting us know that you’re working on something.


Agreed. Just hearing something from them is a big deal and I am okay with waiting knowing that they are looking into it. Thank you, Blizzard :slight_smile:

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At this point all we have to do is continue to remind them of the things we hope get changed. We know they are looking this way atleast temporarily, so it’s everyone’s chance to get some long awaited changes.

Goblin/worgen monks
Bug fix of SEF
Bug fix of wdp
Testing availability of some of our unavailable abilities, to verify they are also not bugged
MW got completely glanced over

Just make sure they know what everyone is looking for


Well a monk blue post finally happened. It also added more bugs to monk than it actually fixed.

Well the bug list grew quite considerably :frowning:

I don’t know if Monk will ever be ready for SL due to these bugs. Not even going to mention the other stuff we’d like reworked. O wells. I’ll still play monk. Panda is EVERYTHING! :panda_face:

WW getting 2hand could be big!

Really hope more things get worked out and we get some good changes.

Well, the blue post was more to announce next week changes.

Let’s see what is done.