Rofl horde can and do win with mid/docks instead of just hangar. It’s rare but it does happen and requires more teamwork than most pugs are capable of. Also it’s more than possible to get hangar after the start, so idk where this “loss in the first minute” is coming from.
I uh got reported afk once cause i had to turn the oven off. Also people have young kids who hurt themselves. Emergencies do happen. Having said that, I see fools afk out to avoid death all the time.
This also is an issue. The game should back fill only the first min of starting. If I join a losing BG I just leave. Especially if it’s a BG that I would of blacklisted if we still had it. Not only that backfilling is so broken that my party joined a losing BG that ended immediately!! Literally got in and it ended. Pretty cool.
Blizzard needs to fix backfilling it’s contributing to Que problems and additional deserters.
Considering players have like 90 seconds to accept their queue pop, the very first replacement might not have even decided if they’re going to zone in yet during the first minute of starting.
You think players should be able to come and go as they please.
FYI, when you leave, the system finds a replacement for your empty spot.
When you join a losing bg, you get to experience how your replacement felt.
No, it shouldn’t. 3 minutes (2 mins for prep + 60 seconds of gameplay…) into a game someone deserts and then that team is 10%+ a team down for the rest of the game?
It’s interesting to note that some of the forum “regulars” here do leave bgs - they just don’t mention it on here (how convenient).
Yes, I do keep an eye on the bg charts, I can spot a forum poster fairly quickly. Pretty funny seeing players that themselves have left losses posting “holier than thou” comments in these types of threads
Always roll my eyes when I see another one of these threads pop up, “always” the same small handful of guys posting in them - it’s kind of amusing observing them in their echo chamber habitat
No I don’t because I instantly leave because I want to join fresh BGs. I get to experience playing another game or just reading till deserter is gone. Stop trying to make to much of casual BGs and yes the reason why there are casual is you are free to come and go.
I think everyone leaves BG’s sometime or the other … the irritation is with ppl who cycle through alts to beat the deserter debuff . I play only one toon, if I leave a BG , I am taking deserter plus the queue time to get into another one .
I don’t see any “glaring” reasons in that post apart from you saying you desert when you backfill (and you only backfill because others before you have deserted).
I love your conspiracy theory and “holier than thou” posts
Should keep in mind though that the anti-leaver people have to leave a game at some point due to unexpected irl stuff. I’ve had to leave once in a while too.
The problem isn’t just leaving, the problem is leaving because you don’t like the map or because your team lost the first team fight or because your team is undergeared. The cowardly reasons.
I have often said there is no problem with people leaving for legitimate reasons. The problem is only if you a) cycle through games until you find a win b) leave with any regularity c) leave as soon as the first flag is capped or the first team fight is lost or because you inspect your team members and leave because “zugzug me no carie u skrubs”.
The only people against a harsher penalty are those that hit one or more of the above.
I don’t think I have ever seen anyone claim they never leave battlegrounds. I’ve had to bow out of games (wins and losses) because of work or family. I’ve left a couple of games where I decided I was no longer having fun, so I log out of the game for a while. Sometimes I disconnect because my computer has to connect to a server 6000 miles away.
I give Warzug credit for “calling people out.” It’s not accurate but it was funny. I do wish he’d post on his main. (Your post was funny too.)
I’ve never intentionally left a BG on this character. On other characters I haven’t left since Wrath probably. I’ve had the power go out, or I’ve dc’d and quickly logged back in and gotten into the same BG.
There is a difference between leaving an occasional battle (a few times in several months) and ALWAYS, once or more times per day, or leaving when things aren’t going right in your opinion.