Desertion is out of control

Haven’t noticed any such trend, but then again I don’t really play little bgs so who knows what’s going on over there. It’s possible you just ran into a bad luck streak or some Alliance premade was on the loose? :man_shrugging:

As far as Alliance epics go, I haven’t noticed anything “unusual”. I get backfilled into lots of losing WG games, but that’s pretty normal so nothing “unusual” there. Other than backfill WG games, I got dropped into a losing Alliance AV last night but that’s about it.

As far as Horde epics go, I got backfilled into a losing Horde IoC match two days ago - but that’s about it. Most of my Horde epics have been fresh.

I’ve never seen a “Bynir” in any match, so I’m assuming you’re referring to some Horde alt (that I’m unaware of) with your post?

Generally it’s a “good” thing when the opposing team starts to afk out/leave, so I’m assuming you’re complaining about some Horde alt with this thread.

I know I certainly don’t mind when the opposing team afks out, I know it’s smooth sailing as soon as I notice that happening :smiling_imp: