AFK punishment

No need … easy fix is that if you desert, then if your account tries to join any other BG for the next 1 hour , you are made a priority as a backfill. This buff does not drop off if you log off .

Deserter queue would be the best option, I think, especially since it would allow Blizzard to make an on-call queue for people like me that love going into losing BGs and trying to turn things around.

I don’t know if Blizzard can fix a player morale and investment problem. I’m not even entirely sure if I want them to.

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Disagree it’s fine the way it is now people will just throw or troll games if its changed keep it as is


Stop backfilling players into unwinnable games and they’ll stop AFKing. Have you ever tried to play a losing Wintergrasp you got backfilled into? You have no kills for vehicles, and attempting to do anything on the map just leads to you ganged up on repeatedly by a player and 3 demos. It’s not a fun way to PVP. So it’s a good time to catch up on YouTube and forums as far as I’m concerned. No, I’m not going to take Deserter because of Blizzard’s mistake in putting me into that game against my will in the first place.

You can’t force players to try hard for your benefit. They’re not your slaves. If Blizzard increases punishments for AFKing, then AFKers will just pay more attention to remove the idle debuff if it gets on them. And if Idle is made shorter, then nobody will risk defending things like the solar sphere in Ashran. It’s already a problem that you can be reported for trying to help your team that way and then have to run all the way out to attack someone, leaving the node wide open for the opposing team.


Yes I would expect that people who frequently leave BGs would disagree with further punishment.


Afking is perfectly reasonable and it’s why I levelled so many alts. I can basically just cycle through all of my alts to wait out the 15-minute deserter debuff.

For instance if you’re attacking in wintergrasp it’s basically an 80% loss rate and if they get vehicles before you it’s game over 100%. I don’t think this entire expansion I’ve won an attacking wintergrasp where they get vehicles first. That’s why I leave if they got them or we lose the first fight at sunken.

In Isle of conquest since the gunship is not targetable you must get this to win the Battle ground and I also leave if we don’t get it. It’s fine in theory to say that you can just get glaives but the thing is glaives have such a small health pool and characters do so much damage to it that it dies in 3 seconds and you can’t even defend it. Every class has some kind of invulnerability spell that they use and they just blow it up. You must win hanger or it’s good game.

Alterac Valley both teams just run past each other and if nobody helps back cap I leave as well because it’s just going to be a loss.

telling people what to do or asking for help in epix is a wasted effort because nobody ever responds or helps because they all think they know better. So I just leave and hope I roll a good team on the next one.

most normal battlegrounds are this way as well where I will just leave if nobody’s going after the flag carriers or trying to capture bases or doing the objectives. It is simply not my responsibility to be the only one who wants to win every Battle ground so unless my team is also as good as I am I leave. I’m not a babysitter

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You never fail to impress.


Zombie, you don’t need to get Sunken Ring at the start to win as offense. That’s not why defense has a huge advantage. You can get a few kills at SR and then finish off your tank on NPCs and keep guns. The problem comes after you break through a wall. Even if you control the whole map, the defending team can just build in their base and turtle out the rest of the game if you don’t zerg all the way to the relic while they’re distracted elsewhere.

In IOC, the gunship is idiot central. You cap it and sometimes half your team goes to the enemy base to run bombs, and then you lose with too few people destroying their vehicles. The Horde would win more games if they just started going straight for the Alliance base while the Alliance team was at the hangar rather than trying their fancy plays with bringing demos to the hangar. I’ve seen so many losses and close games even after wiping the Horde there twice.

Why would you take deserter over a loss that takes less than 15 minutes? It doesn’t make any sense.

You’re going to discover that a lot of people on this subforum are severely lacking common sense.
Zombie is known for being completely devoid of any sense.

I totally agree with you how about being able to build vehicles in your own base is extraordinarily overpowered and is a huge factor why defending in wintergrasp is basically auto win.

To add to my point though if the alliance get vehicles first that zerg that we need to win well basically never materialize.

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I do. If people can eat a 30 minute deserter debuff for dungeons, they can take one for battlegrounds too. The inconvenience for the group isn’t nearly as bad in the case of dungeons either.

Holycow’s suggestion would ensure that players who aren’t frequent quitters wouldn’t be backfilled as often.

Yeah, this is why account-wide deserter is a no brainer. There’s absolutely no reason that players with multiple alts should be less impacted than people who focus on one character.


Yeah, I don’t get that. Why is the PvE deserter debuff twice as long, especially when the consequences of PvP desertions are much larger?

In PvE, it’s not as big of a deal because you can basically hit pause when someone deserts and they’re a critical role. You might lose some time, but you’ll eventually finish the content successfully.

In PvP, there are no timeouts and the winning team gets an additional advantage.

^ :+1:

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As Horde you win atleast 50 percent of the games attacking … if you keep leaving , how will you know if you can win ?


That’s the fun part of IoC for horde

It’s you… BGs are casual PvP and you can come and go as you please. Honestly the 15 min penalty is a little too stiff for a casual instance. Although it’s probably fair.

Increasing the penalty would do nothing even if it was 24 hrs deserter. You can’t force players to stay in casual instance and trying to do so creates more problems. Que times among other things.

The 15 min deserter debuff is fine and you get people to stay by creating better casual PvP and reasons to actually finish the battlegrounds. Honor Gear Vendor and having Honor gear mattering and solo rewards.

If someone isn’t having fun they leave so the solution is to make it so more people have fun by a better PvP reward system.


Yuuup. I make a point not to leave because I want my reflex stats to be as accurate as possible and the number of people I’ve seen desert ‘certain losses’ that turned into wins is nuts.

People view circumstances as being 90/10 against us when it’s really more like 60/40. You get a lot of clutch wins or at least fun, close games when you don’t make for the door the moment things don’t go your way. Yes, even in WG offense.

No amount of logic is going to make people understand that though, and so a more sensible deserter debuff could go a long way.


Oh hey, I never thought about it this way before. That makes the argument for harsher penalties a lot more understandable.


LOL you can fool some people, but I’m not buying it. I’ve been in enough BG’s and I can literally count on ONE hand how many times I’ve seen a player leave a WINNING BG.

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  • Player leaves early because they lost a node and it’s an “obvious loss”.
  • Games sometimes take a while to backfill.
  • Enter Dactylion.

Yeah it’s rare but it does happen. I usually figured someond DC’d.

In 100-109’s, I had this hunter on horde afk out and they were winning and ended up winning Deepwind. I beat him badly and planted my flags and then a few mins later, I ran into him on the road. Hit psychic horror and he just afked out.