Stop Q'ing me into lost BGs

Unless you physically go over to another player’s house and hold them at gunpoint, there is no way to “force” another player to do anything.

3 most likely outcomes from something like a “1 hour deserter penalty” for bgs:

  1. people just leave anyways (most likely in the case of 40-man bgs)
  2. (likely response from most pugs): people just “stop trying”, feed kills, or actively try to sabotage their own team to speed up the loss
  3. uptick in negativity, trolling, and toxic arguing in the bg chat because people that disagree with each other (on strats, on how the bg is going, etc) don’t “mix” very well :laughing:

The current penalty is fine as it is, probably why they haven’t changed it/increased it. No doubt the devs have taken into account all these “unintended consequences” and predicted how players would react, and opted to do nothing based on this forethought.

It’s the same reason they haven’t implemented any “punishment” for M+ leavers - they predict it would do more harm than good, and so they just choose to do nothing (despite the forums being full of “M+ leavers” complain threads).