They have absolutely no requirement to level if they find it boring.
Claim made without a shred of evidence.
There is an option. You can choose to level or you can choose not to level. That’s an option.
If the government offered you $50,000 in exchange for torturing you for 8 hours, would the torture be fun? A mount isn’t going to make leveling fun if you don’t like leveling.
There is absolutely no requirement for you to play the same way as everyone else.
I hate leveling in 90% of cases. I still have to do it in order to access the parts of the game I enjoy.
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that if you don’t like leveling, you can choose not to. Or you can choose to. You can choose to do whatever you want, as long as the thing you choose to do is possible.
You have a choice. You just choose to ignore that fact.
i hope this doesnt include raids… i understand that the vast majority of your dev team doesn’t Raid, let alone actually plays the game. ALOT OF RAID bosses require some type of slow for their adds… and i hope you guys dont completely ruin the raid bosses.
Okay? i dont like questing, ive done it for 17 years, repeated the same quests 10 times on many different toons, id like to mix up my leveling experience with Some instances, and i dont wanna stop what im doing in Arathi just to run across azeroth just to get to a boat in booty bay, to go to ratch, then walk to RFD just for a tank/healer to leave mid run. Can we Get RDF BACK? just because Brian Built a scuffed WC run and had fun, DOESNT mean we will enjoy the same super casual noob experience as he did. You guys also spoke about how you wont force someone to server transfer to a different realm, but will force players to play a completely different way then what was intended for WOTLK.
arn’t community council membmers supposed to engage the community and engage in conversation instead of make statements that sound like the blizzard overlords told you to say it. cause so far you havn’t said anything I’d consider to be even a half attempt at forming a coherent thought.
Dude is literally trolling the players to suck up to blizzard. It’s sad.
This is great news, I have no symp for boosters. Now about those bots and RMTS.
great my mage was gonna solo level in Utgarde Keep to like 74-75 and if you add the slow restrictions…
This is only going to push Wrath to utterly fail, the more news they annouce the more warmane looks like the better experince.
None of us do, but this isn’t going to stop or even hinder them. The XP reduction literally just makes more money for them because you have to pay for more boost runs.
Unless it’s turned off completely, it’s not stopping boosting.
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I’m assuming it’s going to be a significant reduction in XP, I’m guessing around 80%. This is the only way buyers will see it as a waste of time to purchase a boost and instead quest and dungeon. We can only hope tho.
nah this is gonna cost them money, just canceled sub for account 2, was using account 1’s paladin to boost new toons and was happily paying 2 subs, with these changes they loose my 2nd sub, and I’d wager alot of peoples second subs. I will of course logon and vendor all the stuff they have first, but overall there is no point in two accounts, and that alone will cost them plenty, because plenty of people where boosting their own toons with a 2nd account. Good way to loose money blizzard by catering to the lowest order life forms on the forums.
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Unless it’s 100%, it’s not a waste of time, because they’re AFK remember, like the yellow Blizzard shill repeated.
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True either way this is great news and atleast blizzard is listening hopefully its 95-99%. Now let’s just hope to hope itself that they have a plan for the bots.
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Thing is, the people who would have bought those boosts, are now not going to suddenly quest. They’re going to quit, or buy a Blizzard boost. Which is why Blizzard and their patsies are so aggressively pushing this as a “fix”.
you have no idea what the community wants, your one of those lower order life forms i mentioned, your a blizzard simp
Lol how am I blizzard simp? And the community has been calling for boost to be destroyed since classic,soooooo explain your pathetic logic.
I kind of find it funny how you like to pick apart my arguments without even addressing all of them one My apologies the way you were phrasing it sounded like you enjoyed leveling.
Too if you don’t enjoy leveling then why would you be against people Having the options have a 50% increase to experience To make it Faster because it sounds like that’s what you would want to.
On top of that yes they do you either level or you make a character in sittin whatever starting zone You might as well just say I can level or I just don’t play the game.
And you’re right Amount isn’t going to make people enjoy leveling what I’m saying that would be for people that do like to level to encourage it Because if there is a reward at the end people are more likely to do it.
What I don’t understand why are So against the argument that questing and leveling sucks But you still think they should do anything about it?
You’re just saying that up we just suck it up because this is part of the game even though it’s a crappy part of the game To the point where there is literally an entire Economy Around skipping it obviously there’s an issue there.
So why are you against changes that make this process faster That literally makes no sense.
Like the WB boon in classic. They “fix” the game about 2 months just before it ends…
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the wow fourms has, they represent maybe 1-2% of the community, the fact is boosting is a god send to the majorty.
Most of us dislike leveling, we’ve done it plenty of times in the past
When a guild needs to swap someone to a new role it can be done in a week, 2 max because of boosts, now its way less efficent to have someone go get a new toon ready, so this change is very much Anti guild.
It completely removes a viable form of income generation, and i don’t mean selling boosts, it’s about to become impossible for mages to farm raw gold, so its also anti player.
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is obviously not tuned into the actual community, or the fact that the majorty boost their toons. As others have said this change wont get you an active world, it will get you a completely dead one, because there is zero reason now to level new alts. Congrats you just entirely eleminated the world, azeroth, and outland will soon be spares and unpopulated entirely, and after the first month or two so will Northrend outside of Dalarn, congrats, you win.
For an idea of how popular these changes are, go look at SoM, its a desolate unpopulated wasteland no one wants to deal with, its a complete and utter failure of an idea, brought to you buy Brian Metcalf and his team of incompitentce.
Maybe I’ll attend the next blizzcon so I can ask him what the hell he was thinking
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Chronoboon was an elegant solution with abysmal timing.
They could have just disabled those buffs in raids and no-one would ever need them any more.