Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

I mean to be fair you’re always going to have an issue if you’re DPS outgears your tank that’s not specific to Warriors and druids that’s even with the paladin or a death night for that matter.

I don’t know I played wrath back in the day and I never had a problem My tank was a Druid death night or A Warrior when I was doing heroics.

Now maybe it might be different in a rating environment but still

I mean to be fair we don’t know if they’re going to extend it maybe if there’s enough outcry they’ll just bake it in baseline.

The three dog-walkers for the development leads will have to have an outcry since that’s who they seem to listen to.

We don’t know until we try the buff hasn’t even put in yet maybe enough people will like it enough where they’ll keep it permanently I think that keep it permanently I think they should keep it permanently because because if there is a boosting problem maybe there’s an argument we had that leveling absolutely sucks after your main.

There are some people that do enjoy to level but you know there other creative solutions around that for example they can put in achievement maybe give people the option to turn it on and turn it off.

I’m just saying that just because It isn’t likely that’ll keep it in most certainly yes however It doesn’t mean it’s 100% guaranteed I mean look what happened with dual spec.

It was going to be restrictions and then they went back on that So maybe there’s a chance if we like this 50% bonus to experience they’ll keep it in.

Who decided that?

But yeah, it can’t improve anything since they refuse to give it to us because reasons.


I’ve already got 5 level 70s. This XP buff doesn’t help me at all like RDF would.

The XP buff is not to help stop boosters or it wouldn’t be in Dungeons.

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It’s more fun leveling with a friend (or my wife) with the exception that overall less mob xp is gained as its split amongst those involved in said mobs death. I’d like to quest with my wife the whole way but we’re cucking each other by being grouped.

You shouldn’t be touching kiting in instances. Early TBC a good frost mage could kite mobs for minutes on an over-pull so they could be whittled down, or kited back towards the entrance by the group. That was invaluable in places like the end of slabs, or in shattered halls. Likewise if a smart mage or two can level quickly by kiting mobs to death, in instances, good for them.

You shouldn’t be breaking the game to fix another issue. This seems a common issue with modern blizzard devs, who frankly, obviously don’t play the game much and are clearly pretty subpar compared to those around in the TBC and Wrath days.

If you can just nerf the experience on the level difference do that. The real reason this is an issue is because Blizzard WANT the RMT farmers buying accounts/boosts, they want the money that generates, as it’s profit, and they would rather those people have limited success but continue to line their corporate pockets, rather than either banning much more frequently, or doing something real to fix the issue.

If you want to fix the gold buying issue, ban GDKPs and make sure in game resources are matched to the server populations so there’s not enormous inflation on consumables.


I think this is fine… However I side with others that point out the disconnect.
There seems to be this focus on “preserving the classic experience”. I’d argue being able to boost and keeping the mob AI as it was would be more in line with that idea (as unhealthy as it may be). Then we want to remove content that was in the game come wrath such as dungeon finder… Really?

I’m not going to sit around here and act like I haven’t sat my characters in SM while they piled up exp. I found it to be the “meta” way to level up. Did I enjoy it? Not really. It’s fine to be able to sit afk and watch a show or play another game on the side but that defeats the purpose of… PLAYING THE GAME.

My favorite method of leveling was always through dungeon finder, until it got gutted and ripped apart in BFA, an expansion I avoided entirely. I enjoyed progressing through the dungeons, in order by level and receiving good gear along the way. It offered an experience with lots of replay value, a sign of a good game. LFD allowed much needed accessibility to exclusively level through dungeons. You could simply queue up and hop into a unique experience. Different players, classes, gear… It was fun for me. Leveling through quests and grinding mobs hardly changes. They remain static, the same for all characters.

If you’re going to start making changes to the game for the “good of the game”, give us LFD at the very least. I’ll also take payed faction/race changes. Ultimately think the Wrath experience will be it’s best if they take an approach similar to what Old School Runescape did. Start polling QOL changes and any future changes.


Its typical blizz response. It will save me money, I wont be activating my 2nd account now. Rather than police their own game, they screw up the experience of everyone. It is going to be interesting to see how bad mage play will be after they beat it with a stick.

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That boosting exists due to the fact that people would rather AFK to level than play the game to level?

How can that not be factual? Why else are people using boosting services? Because they enjoy the scenery? :thinking:


I would ALWAYS run on-level dungeons to level over boosting. If only we had a way to easily form groups at that level. A way that didn’t require us to monitor a constantly scrolling channel and would put together a tank, healer and 3 dps, maybe even a way that would take us to the low level dungeon instantly instead of taking us 30 minutes to get there through areas higher level than the character we were playing.

Do you know of such a tool? Legend has it there was one a long time ago, but I think it got replaced by a horrible tool where players could discriminate against other players for almost any reason at all. I sure hope they don’t do that again since they know everyone hates it.

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You can play the game however you want sir. That includes not questing.

you’re right ill just make a couple of accounts for more 70 boosts.

Oh yeah don’t hit me wrong I would much rather have L FDA 100% of the way but If I can take the 50% experience buff as a constellation prize so at least leveling is less painful I’ll take it you know what I mean.

I love all the crying in the comments. The amount of boosters/boostees coming out of the wood work is evidence that the change was needed.

This garbage culture is deep rooted in Classic and I’m glad Blizzard is doing the good work necessary to kill it off.


Yeah I can As can you my point is It’s still boring and tedious it doesn’t change that fact leveling is still boring to a large portion of the player base.

A lot bigger than the portion that finds leveling enjoyable That’s the point that I’m trying to make now What I think they should do I don’t know maybe give people the option.

If you do not want the 50% experience buff You Should be able to turn it off and on Maybe if you level from 1 to 80 normally you get a mount or something you know add some fun to this not make everybody play the same way.

Just because you enjoy leveling doesn’t mean everyone does So what you’re saying is because you guys enjoy leveling we all have to suffer because you enjoy that right.

And I’m completely well aware you could flip the argument around you’re accomponently correct that’s why I’m seeing what’s the matter with choice.

Pretending like it’s the spawn of satan is worse.

Yes it is, because it’s going to make it faster.

Yes we do, because then we’d experience all the dungeons.

What nonsense is this? The Boosters are the biggest force behind anti-RDF, because it would undermine their business model.

No, Boosting exists because levelling via quests is boring and slow, and getting into dungeons is near impossible because so few people are levelling after the initial wave of the expansion. Why do you think Boosting became so much more popular in TBC than even in Classic.

The bit you’re wilfully ignoring here is that this is a game played for entertainment. AFK levelling is a sign that the game’s method of levelling (Solo Questing) becomes boring and repetitive after the first couple of times through. Dungeon levelling is always the “method of choice” where available at the start of expansions, not because it’s faster (in Wrath it definitely isn’t) but because it’s fast paced, fun, and you end up with a decent amount of good gear.

Killing RDF doesn’t stop boosters. Raising XP levels doesn’t stop boosters. Even the nerf to XP isn’t going to stop boosters. By your own admission, the reason why people are using those services is because they don’t want to play that part of the game.

RDF however does provide an easy way for people to get into the faster paced aspect of the game, racing through dungeons. And in doing so, with other people, they actually experience the second M of MMO. Multi-player. They enjoy their time, and they choose to keep playing.

All of these changes are laser focused on one outcome.

Pay us for a boost to skip the content

The fact that the paid boost exists legitimizes the player boosting. If Blizzard were truly against boosting like the community is, they’d stop offering their own boost service. Removing RDF removes an avenue for people to be entertained during the levelling process. Gimping XP in higher level discrepancies removes an avenue for levelling quickly where Blizzard doesn’t profit.

None of these changes are being made for us. They’re being made to sell Blizzard Boosts.

My prediction is that the next big change which will rile up the community, is when they remove the cap on one account boosts, in combination with account-to-account transfers.

Because then ka-ching, they can profit from every which way.


If that’s how you want to play, be my guest. If I had it my way boosts wouldn’t be available but it’s not my way, so I play within the boundaries they’ve set for us. I just don’t see the point in complaining about an activity in a game. Don’t do activities you don’t like. A major feature of WoW is quests. If you don’t want to do quests then don’t, simple as that.

Wrong. Leveling a character via dungeons was one of the most entertaining things for me while working up a new character. I would go do quests, and get in queue for LFD. I would then do the dungeons at that level, and then if I wanted to change it up I’d queue a BG which also granted xp. It’s a pretty fun experience mixing the three different content styles conveniently, and that was mainly only possible due to LFD. Otherwise no one is gonna bother going out of their way to go to the dungeon in the middle of nowhere.

LFD was a massive gain to leveling fun. Pretending that it isn’t just tells me you’re a company yes man.