Adjustments to Dungeon Creature Behavior and Group XP

Lol what a doom and gloom post this is. No, the majority does not boost and people had plenty of alts in Wotlk if anything wotlk was the start of the alts because of how easy it was to level to max and gear up your toon. I had 5 alts in wrath and not once did I nor anyone I ever know boost. Boosting has become huge because of blizzards lack of action on RMTs so lazy scrubs can be happy they can afk and chill and zoom to max. You can already pay for a 58 and 70 boost from blizzard something that was NOT in the original wrath and you’re still upset?

Like I said I have no sympathy, people have been calling for boost to be gone for years and blizzard is finally taking action, don’t like it? Go back to retail.

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No your the one that wants changes, why dont you go back to retail little scrubbling. You know why alts boomed in Wrath, because LFD let us bypass the god aweful world and the god aweful quests, something they choose to get rid of. The only scrub i see is you, hiding behind your retail toon and pretending you have a valid opionion

And nah if i dont like it, there are hundreds of Pservers to check out that have the game properly implemented, unlike Blizzard’s attempt to fail to simply bring back an old game as it was. Even something so simple as relaunching an old game and following the pattern pservers have used for years to great success escapes them, the blueprint was laid out, all they had to do was follow it, but they couldn’t even get that right.


RDF didn’t come until halfway through wotlk. People had plenty of alts before RDF was introduced including me. No, you want boosting and to be able to swipe a card to full level? Retail is the place for you. Wotlk never was a boost haven and has no reason to be whatsoever. Sorry you’re offended, I don’t care.

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The inability to churn out a boosted raid alt isn’t anti-guild in the slightest. Guilds are not being singled out by this change and if anything it encourages guild growth by promoting recruitment or gasps leveling with your guildmates!


Nah, it encourages you to pay Blizzard to boost to 70, then level to 80. They’re just sore that they were missing out on revenue.


If you’re a paypig maybe. I’ll continue to level with my friends.

I don’t swipe a card, i until today paid for 2 accounts, one had my 70 paladin, the other had alts i wanted to level, i boosted my own damn toons. RMT is an issue, this isn’t the fix, as a matter of fact RMT was incredibly common in OG Wrath, and OG TBC, because people wanted the epic flying, and wanted the travelers tundra mammoth. You think people wern’t swiping the credit card in the good old days your confused, I know plenty of folks from back then that did, they’d buy 2k, one week, 2k the next week, maybe 3k the 3rd week, just enough to fly under the radar. Your preception if way off on what was really going on.


The people who pay for boosts, aren’t going to suddenly play the game like the rest of us. They’re going to search for another avenue to skip that part of the game, and over to the left in big flashing lights is the Blizzard Boost.

I don’t get how anyone thinks this change will do anything but make the people who pay for boosts either quit, or pay Blizzard.

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guild recruitment is pointless, if you’ve got a good roster of folks and you just need a diffrent class for the next raid or one or two fights thats a terrible reason to recruit someone new, your telling your raider who is on time sorry you gotta sit while random 01 we found gets to join instead. Once you have a core group that knows each other, its far better to simply boost that alt and get it geared so its valuable than it is to recruit some stranger and tell your long term guy to pound sand.

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because as my grandfather used to say, those people can’t see the forst through the trees. The fact is I already canceled account 2, ill finish off a 64 mage i was already working on, on account 1, and then ill just have a paladin, a mage and a hunter, and thats it, no more alts, and no reason to keep account 2 at all, thats 15 from me, and im sure I’m not the only person shutting off account 2.

sorry, its actually VERY clear you guys do NOT play the game, the new LFG tool (generic mythic+ group finder) is 100% scuffed, DOA all the way. you guys simply dont understand nor care to understand what the majority of the community is asking for and the reasons behind it. MOST of us are asking for the RDF to be in the game simply because we do not want to be Gatekept by other players, the one thing that IAN doesnt want (bring the class not the player) if i seen a warrior tank, Druid tank, DK tank and Pally Tank in que, who would I pick first? i would pick the PALLY 10/10 times, no questions asked, and i would wait for a pally tank and ignore all other tanks.
IF i were to pick a healer, i would pick a Resto druid or Pally Healer, and not pick any of the others. if i wanted dps, i would pick rogues, hunters, and warlocks, and nothing else.


You clearly don’t if it’s lacking key roles.

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Stopped reading there, No RMT was not “incredibly common” in wrath and TBC it was very very minor and under the radar, absolutely nothing like it is today on classic. If you got caught RMT you were perma banned so hardly anyone did it and it was very difficult not to get caught because of how many GMs were literately active in the game monitoring transfers heavily. This shows me you are completely disconnected from what the majority wants and are upset that your RMT boost are getting thrown out. Like I said your tears are delicious keep them coming.


no you didn’t get perma banned, i got caught because i bought 30k gold in Wrath for my epic flying and tundra mammoth, i didnt even get a suspenion, i got my gold taken away and an account warning without so much as a loss of a few hours. Guess who recommend it, lots of my guildies, and lots of people i had on my friends list, after i got caught they told me i did it wrong and told me how they did it and got away with it for years. I dunno what your smoking, maybe no one told you cause your a narc.

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:rofl: Sure and killer whales can fly, whats your next joke?

no you clearly don’t, someone could be going on vacation for two weeks and you don’t have someone to cover that role for a week or two, you can 24 man a raid but if that person was a healer, well now you might need to get a healer ready to go, or maybe a tank ready to go. I’ve seen it go down plenty, and guess what a bench player doesn’t stick around very long anywhere, if your recruited to play the bench odds are your leaving within a few weeks for a raid spot with someone else, unless your on the bench for one of the top 10 guilds in the world.

There is a not-insignificant part of the population that loves leveling. The endgame is fairly boring for many once you get there, and that’s from someone who did 6-8 heroics a night when not raiding. Raid lockouts and daily heroic lockouts mean youre off farming mobs after you finish all the zone quests (which takes what…a few days?).

Not a joke, wish I’d saved the conversation but I didn’t think I’d need a conversation with a GM, yes an actual GM in the old GM window, to prove my point to someone in 2022, sorry I didn’t save that as a screenshot for you from 09.

Sure some do, maybe 20-30%, but the point is the majorty don’t, and this change caters to the minority hard core, but its ok enjoy your dead world going forward.

I hope you learn how to be a better person. As it stands now, we can only assume you’re a liar, a thief, a criminal, possibly worse. …and since who you are when there is little to no accountability IS who you actually are. You need to do better.

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