Adjustment Coming for Tome of Unstable Power

The execute proc, for some reason, triggers a fixate event on the mob so if you’re in melee range of it when it procs it will immediately swing at you and probably kill you.


Specs that don’t use intellect are starting to pick up the tome, I’m not sure the 20% was undeserved.


it doesnt happen every single key, its like 1 in 10

and at least people know about it. went down in HOI and our mage immediately knew lol

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It’s every time the execute proc occurs when you’re in melee range of the mob.

oh yeah i wasnt correcting
i accidentally cut out half of my comment

i meant it in a way that id be more annoyed if it was every single key, but its so rare its just kind of funny when it does happen

really there are only two packs where it happens to me

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It happens a bit too much for resto druids. Ours has to retreat from cat form for his own safety.


I cashed in all my stored up back luck protection. I think I got it on my 3rd ever run.


please do a soft cap instead of a hard cap

Pugs in threads about m+: Man, why does nobody want to play a healer? It’s so strange I have to sit in dungeons for upwards of half an hour if only there was something we could do to make it more enticing

Blizzard: i got this

trinket was fun nerfing it is cringe


People will still use the trinket. In all gear pursuing keys more pulls are under 8 targets than over. The nerf is mainly targeting the ultra high end who are making massive pulls.


Idk that’s how I feel about it xd


Pretty minor change, and tbh I would not notice. I’ll still use it.

I’m a healer btw, please stop speaking for all of us being outraged over this. I’m not.

EDIT: I got it my only run of Azure Vault this season… I didn’t realize how miserable it was to get. But for what it’s worth, it took me dozens of runs to get the healing trinket from Halls of Valor this season, so I’d say the pendulum has swung.


You’re clueless. It was unbelievably overpowered. WAY more powerful than Branch.

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The trinket was top damage overall for healers in dungeons. It 100% needed some kind of tuning.

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It should’ve been nerfed 50% because it is still way too powerful. Balance team in this game is stealing paychecks.

The part people forget is that healers still have to quest. And what does questing require? You to kill things…

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The same as I don’t expect people to stay augmentation to do world content I wouldn’t expect healers to stay healer for world content. Switching spec is not locked like in Vanilla and easy to do. I understand why they made healers do more damage since Legion because systems made it harder to switch specs but it is not the case nowadays.

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not that this particular example is a disaster or anything - but next time you have an issue like this with a similar item - isn’t it just easier to class lock the trinket?

not a new concept to the game by any means.

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but i want to go kapow

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