Time to Update Arcane Orb Visuals!

I think it’s high time for Arcane Orb’s visuals to be updated. While the base visuals are fine, they haven’t been touched since the ability was first introduced way back in WoD which was 10 years ago! What’s more the updated VFX for the spell already exist in-game and have since BfA. You can see the updated orbs used by Queen Azshara during her encounter in the Eternal Palace raid and more recently by Azureblade in the Azure Vault DF dungeon. With how important Arcane Orb is now since the Orb Barrage rework and its further importance to the Sunfury hero tree in TTW I think now would be the perfect time for this long overdue update!

Would this mean Arcane Orb would look like Mana Sphere from Plunderstorm? The Empower spell that blasts a huge ball of arcane energy and hits everything in its path? Because that thing was super cool and honestly I’d love the entire spell copied. It doesn’t need the knockback or anything but just the idea of Arcane getting its own “Spirit Bomb” ability sounds super cool.

Yes! The Plunderstorm ability also uses the same model that I was referring to.