Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

Everyone discovering that they are actively balancing classes. :rofl:

Best they can do is another round of hunter nerfs.

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Watching a streamer in wetlands yesterday, lvl 20 doing the SAME quest I was doing on my lvl 20 Ret paladin (with max gear, I buy new gear every level)…

She was destroying lvl 23 mobs while I was having to stop and drink and eat after every kill and my kills took 2x longer and I had to blow multiple CD’s each kill.

Hunters are FINE, stop crying.

(although I do think it’s silly for them to focus on pet families to “fix” a problem, just make kill command do “something else”, maybe add a bleed)

What? Give MM a try, it hits like a truck… Especially now that you can use Aspect of the Hawk and Lion Heart.

If anything, MM deals more damage than BM, you just need to press buttons this time.

No they don’t, all BM hunters do is buff pet and pet does everything, most redacted class ever made.

If you don’t know how to play the class, then you’re right, but maintaining 100% up-time on Frenzy stacks, keeping Kill Command on CD and not over-capping Focus isn’t as simple as “pet does everything”. So even in your hyperbolic reply, you’re still wrong.

Also, actually having an ego over World of Warcraft in how your easy or hard your class is the most pathetic personality trait you could have. Every single class in this game is easy as long as you have functioning fingers.


If only there weren’t decades of Devs repeating this same sentiment to go off of


Dont forget they broke pet food in the process now u gotta feed the pet every two minutes


That in itself is definitely a problem, I agree. The community absorbs it like a wet sponge and it cascades downwards.

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alrdy seen huntering crying about this, i just laugh and say how’s it feel to be balanced for a change and not super op

Hunters are the biggest whiners.

It’s amazing seeing the cope in the comments about hunters saying they suck and they need compensation

When they are the #1 TOP DPS in BFD parses LOL

So people are just going to continue complaining about hunter pets when in fact the beast mastery talent build is suppose to be the pet doing more damage than the hunter? How is this fair that yall are nerfing hunters extremely bad to where we can’t do anything, but yet you are buffing druids just running around spamming sunfire or spamming instant spells and killing people. That or pallies being able to 2 shot with divine storm and exorcism. How about warriors getting charge in combat but yet we have a simple fix on Hunters being nerfed religiously it seems like every day all because people are complaining about pets, but it’s more a skill issue. At least give us hunters freezing trap in combat or deterrence

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Thats what they dont like they dont get u can fear the pet or poly it then the hunter has no damage. ITs a pet focused dps spec they just dont like being killed by a pet they can fear.


It’s almost like what you said holds no water, especially because it was covered earlier. How truly sad, another non-reader. :confused:

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Dont worry they will nerf that one next.

Probably bring it doen to 5% extra hp and danage and focus regen increased by 10% instead of what it is now…

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Should be called Season of Nerfs Hahahahahahha

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I mean as soon as i saw the patch notes i knew flying serpents would be the strongest. They just nerfed it cause of people complaining again. Just nerf pet damage in pvp boom solved people wont cry aobut a spec focused on buffing your main damage source killing you. Once we hit 40 bracket and clothies get one shotted they will nerf marksman . Then they will say at least pets had counter play etc


Hunters still the red headed step child of WoW I see… what are they now 0 for 6 against the Blizzard Nerf Bat? Oof. Best to just play another class… Warriors looking mighty OP next phase.


Oh, actually wait, hang on guys, here’s something for you all to sink your teeth into:

This guy out here complaining about Hunters whining while he thinks that Kelris is actually difficult and calls for nerfs to other classes he can’t kill LOL how ironic.


Why do hunters even have runes?