Druid spamming sunfire in pvp

Just got downed by a feral druid I couldnt even touch FROM RANGE.

Think I need reroll asap.


I’ve been getting camped by feral druids in Ashenvale. I cant even touch them. They run faster in cat form and they can freely spam Sunfire while nothing can touch them. Sunfire hits for ~100 and dot ticks for ~50 or so. Its so stupid this is in the game like this


We also spend 12 of our 16 points to get that speed. You can’t spam it. It costs 40 energy. People really out here complaining about sunfire when locks, mages, shamans, hunters, and priest healers exist is so wild. If you are getting solo’d by this spell you are bad


we need garnmuk(Spelling) to call for nerf’s to this ability like he did to hunters! haha

kidding of course, each class should have a cheese move (the cheese is what makes it fun)


it’s spammable. its not like you’re going oom. Think for a second. I know you want to protect your overpowered druid ability but use your brain. It should not be spammable when no melee in the game runs as fast as a cat form druid. It at least needs to do less initial damage.


amazing, thanks for the tip


guess you can remove hunter from that list as the only people left playing them will be the chinese bots only cuz they dont realize all the nerf’s that happened from last night.


Each phase will have winners and losers and let’s not forget some winners are the Min/max twink lords of before…

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That sounds broken, maybe if we nerf hunter its fixed.


Bro I use mangle most of the time unless I am doing ashenvale group pvp and can’t get into melee range without being blown up

So you are on a PvP server complaining about getting killed via PvP? I see…

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:


They give up their actual burst by taking that as well. If your class can do any semblance of healing it will not kill you.

Try being a warrior agiasnt a feral druid right now.

You cant touch them in cat form.

they range you with sunfire to death.




What did you get beat up by their pet? Because that’s all they have now.

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Don’t worry people were saying hunter scorpion pets were doing the same thing (at max poison stacks). So I am totally sure blizz will nerf this as well, especially since this is ranged and a lot more spamable, etc. Don’t worry, any day now… :frowning:

I know right? The spell tickles you to death, a mage, warlock chaos bolt, rogue, shaman, paladin and now warriors with raid weaps will pretty much kill you almost immediately if they are allowed to touch you before you can react, but I guess that’s apparently more fair than kitty sunfire lol.


Warrior also can basically never beat a mage for the same reason, never being able to touch them.

Broken druid spell? I imagine the hunter nerfs are coming soon then…


Happened last night. Our scorpions got too close to the druid sunfire damage and blizzard got scared hunters might be having a bit of fun. They fixed it now though so all is good in the world of Azeroth!

When people get mounts this little gimmick will go way down in stock price.