Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

hopefully nerfing cats :slight_smile:

Why don’ you just auto generate the pet you want us to use when we create a hunter on SOD??? getting tired of spending my time gathering pets this isn’t Pokémon.


Season of Discovering we’re not allowed to have fun because someone lost in PvP once. Yes it was overtuned, sometimes its okay for things to not be balanced… Especially when the game caps 25 and Hunter pets wont scale up to 60 with any notable stats now. You know a Blunderbuss dropped in the group I was in last night +4.2 DPS upgrade and there was question where or not other people should roll on it while I was the only Hunter there. For a stat stick… and you know what, they had a decent point. Because agilities affect on the pet is kinda meh while the top DPS currently btw… Rogue would be able to have an agility stat stick as a 2h, our rogue passed, and it was given to me it is interesting though that my weapon which my own character’s damage is based off of has such a low impact that 6 more agility to the rogue is worth looking into for overall DPS output.

By the way PvP… Like Hunter was not BIS … Serpent could’ve used like a pvp scaler .75% maybe even just straight up half damage but yall even pay attention cause there was a class that got a buff yesterday that drops well known glads on their butts when its geared out and played right, but I aint here to try to spoil anyones fun before any sort of rating for pvp even happens.

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Thanks for choosing my pet for me. I could of told you wind serpent was going to get a buff after you changed focus cost of abilities to scale more. Why didn’t you just ask could of saved face and maybe not disabled runes from working with specific pet choices. Wolves, Spiders, and lions scare me why don’t I have animal representation in WOW SoD

I wish this was true. I think we all do. If that is what is actually coming then all will be forgiven. But right now it’s pretty bad. Just crunching the numbers on each rune will lead you into despair. The fact that Hunters are still top five is astounding considering we are getting almost nothing from our runes outside of BM.

cats are now better

Rank 4 bite kitty goes hard but you won’t be soloing dungeons anymore

LB is 50 focus tho so hes using LB first and always so its clunky

good luck using 3 charges with 10sec cd on bite and 50 focus cost of LB

By your logic, using a gun in melee range should always hit, have increased critical chance and have a chance to one-shot humanoid enemy

I’ve noticed that a number of pro hunter comments have been deleted, people with legitimate concern about the poor state of hunters after these ill guiding nerfs. Strange times.


Thought you were leaving the forums?

Pretty weak willed eh?

I mean a Beast Master Hunter should be able to when using cd’s with pet and targeting a weaker player or clothie.

Rename rune to Lion/raptor Master

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I mean like ok fine, keep changing the meta of a class over and over again w/e… but can you AT LEAST give us more than 2 slots in our stables so we don’t have to keep abandoning/leveling new pets every other day? Like holy hell man throw us a bone here.


It feels like most of our nerfs were done from a pvp perspective, I really wish that you guys could make adjustments that targets pvp and pve tuning differently. Was kill command (1 min cd) too powerful when combined with wind serpents lightning breath? Sure. Was it necessary to make it so kc doesn’t affect it at all or could some different tuning be done?

Currently this is what Kill Command do:
Give the command to kill, increasing your pet’s damage done from special attacks by 60% for 30 sec. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage bonus by 20%

One way that would make it more interesting is instead of a 1 min cd make kill command have a 30 second cd:
Give the command to kill, increasing your pet’s damage done from special attacks by 30% for physical damage and 15% for magical damage for 15sec. Each special attack done by the pet reduces the damage bonus by 10%

It more or less translates to the same dmg over a longer fight for bite and claw, but would make it less bursty. It reduces the amount it was giving magical attacks like lightning breath, while still letting kc be used with whatever special ability your chosen pet has.

For me what was fun with scorpid and wind serpent wasn’t the over the top dmg, it absolutely needed number tuning, the fun was in seeing different pets being used than the standard cats/raptors for dungeons/raid and owl/bat/boar for solo. (I know, we ended up with a sea of scorpids, so in the end it’s whatever).

It’s similar gripe a lot of us had with explosive shot nerf. The change made to explosive shot wasn’t just the necessary number tuning, but changing the ability altogether which in effect made it so we ended up having only 1 good glove rune: beast mastery. Now I know some will argue and say “if you liked explosive, just use that” - very, very few people will ever use the non-meta build for their class if the dmg difference between meta and non-meta is too big.

Personally I’m one of those that tend to go for the spec and talents I enjoy more vs absolute min/max speccing and talenting as long as the damage different isn’t so big that I feel like my preferred style is detrimental to my raiding group. As an example on Wrath classic I absolutely love BM Hunter and have more fun with that than any of the other specs. I enjoy the sound and visual from cobra strikes proccing and I enjoy bestial wrath. In p1 the dmg difference wasn’t that big, plus the content was dead easy. So in Naxx I played BM 100% guilt free. From Ulduar and onwards however, I’ve only gone BM to bring us 3% dmg buff when our ret pally misses raid.

Anyway…. Maybe instead of just nuking everything see what other ways you could achieve the desired number tuning, while leaving fun on the table! And please by Muradin’s beard! Increase pet stables to wrath stables size if you’re going to keep doing all this tuning :joy:


come on guys :frowning:

You may wish to try a ‘Balance Through Buffs’ approach. Making players weak for the sake of “balance” is a great way to kill a game.

If Hunter is outperforming, buff the other classes. If Hunter is dominating in PVP, buff the other classes.


It has to be a bit of both tbh, only buffs leads to powercreeping

Hunter is still first place in DPS for most raids …

It’s not about numbers, it’s about the fact this incompetent dev team is so bad at their jobs that we are basically playing regular classic WoW hunter because they ruined all alternate play for hunters.

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Actually on the priest discord they’ve all given up on shadow lol :joy:
People are probably upset because when things are going this badly, its very unlikely blizz knows what to do to fix it lol