Nerf Kelris for casters

Ive done 2 Pugs BFD now and each time we can’t go past Kerlis because 3 casters in the raid are literally doing nothing in this fight.

It’s wrong that Im thinking going in my next bfd like: If I see a shadow priest/lock in this pug raid I just leave !!


doing it wrong

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Learn to play the game instead of asking for a nerf


Stop asking for nerfs.

Ask for buffs instead.

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The fight just stupidly has magic resists when no other boss in the raid does. This hurts when the boss has a soft enrage and a burn phase.


okay, can you buff my class by removing magic resist from Kelris?


those 3 caster’s don’t know there class then

The sheer amount of pugs advertising “LFM On Kelris” objectively proves Blizzard missed their target audience (assuming that target audience is the vast bulk of their playerbase.)

The ease of vanilla is it’s appeal and success story.

Retailification via “difficulty” increase is just going to scare players off.


I think the main issue with finding out what it is with that raid is just doing it. I found the entrance and inside the instance the bosses all tried to kill us but we were fine.

After working on this guy and being stone-walled two nights in a row I can say that the entire fight feels out of place. Something is just wrong with it.

Two more mechanics than any other boss, abnormally high resists making casters half the DPS they should be, and more trash on the way to him than any other boss in the raid.

I was 2nd or 3rd on the meter all night. On this schmuck, I was second from the bottom with the same up time. That’s a problem with the fight, not me. Blizzard needs to look into this and ignore the sweaties and sycophants.


Kelris isn’t difficult they just stupidly made him magic resistant. Just hotfix it out, there’s literally no reason for it. There’s no way to “outplay” magic resistance at this stage of the game. It’s basically just a middle finger to casters.



You can be the strongest player in your raid but if you are a caster you will be at the bottom of this fight. And if you have too many casters in your raid you will struggle.

Its absolutely dumb and the only logic I can come up with is that Aggrend doesn’t play with very many casters in his raid. Like I hate to be that guy and say that and @ aggrend but it’s the only thing that makes sense. If a hunter parsing a 35 is beating a caster parsing an 85, it’s obvious there is no outplay potential. You just lose if your raid has too many casters and that’s cringe. That’s not “friction”, that’s just bad game design.


I don’t mind reattempting the fight but it’s always casters or tank who end up rage quitting on Kelris.

Adding a way to bypass magic resists? A debuff, a proc, a rune, an item, a consumable, a piece of gear, etc. So future content can still involve magical resistance wihout gimping casters. Hell, even something interactable in the fight to trigger vulnerable periods

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Care to enlighten us on this massive secret?


You know that talent that reduces magic resistance that most casters have that almost nobody takes? Well maybe you should take that talent. Also, do Ashenvale and get that trinket that gives -10 enemy resistances.

Do we know how much magic resist he has? I can’t imagine 10 spell pen will suddenly make them do that much more DPS.

Blizzard literally just needed to wait until Gnomer as Locks have Curse of Elements by 40 IIRC. Magic resist is fine but not at low levels with no counterplay.

Dunno why Blizzard was cringe with that single boss.

Bruh, we can just look at logs and the distribution of dps percentiles of different fights for each spec to verify there is no “secret” to this fight other than “take less casters”.

Stop being cringe, lol. It’s just a bad fight for casters, which would be fine in some kind of vague sense if there were comparably bad fights for physical but there aren’t.


It’s good that the difficulty scales up at the end. Blizzard nailed the difficulty and BFD is the best raid they’ve released in years.

