Adding More Gender Options?

Indeed. I must say, this is one of the better attempts of Trolling that I have seen in a while.

It even has a good photo to spark the discussion.

The OP often Trolls. I get it. Some people like to Troll, and we all get our kicks differently.

I am not even gonna address the topic at hand… just acknowledging that it is a very good attempt at Trolling. It has some effort and a photo to help enflame things.

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From my understanding (I’m not an expert)… the difference is medical vs social (I’m not sure if social is even the right term, but the best descriptor I can think of). Medically (genetically) there are 2, with a third of having both sexual organs.

The other, I have never heard a description of that really narrows it down beyond “how they feel”. (Again, I am not an expert nor have I dine extensive study on this). So I don’t really like to comment or try to define it. As it would be like asking a 5th grader to detail the reason WW2 started.

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There are only two genders.

Stop that.

<belfmutter>somepeople’schildrenIsweartotheSunwell …</belfmutter>


I’m pretty sure the question is in regards to customer service and nothing more.

And ffs, was it really necessary to flag any thread that isn’t ‘rate my whatever.’ This is why Papa Blizzard thinks we can’t handle ourselves and took away downvoting.

Taking away down voting is what causes mass flagging… You will rarely find people in the real world who support this ultra PC double speak delusion. This is how people show they disagree. Maybe the hint should be taken?


You’ve posted this exact thread before, dude. Did you not get enough the first time?


another thing that bothers me about all this and has for years.
So we have one of the largest gay communities in our city here in the entire country. They actually own or rent most of the houses in a really old part of town and frankly, theyve made it so much nicer than it was when I was a kid growing up in that area. Literally the surrounding areas have degraded over decades but the LGBT community has really showed the love for this part of town and revived it so that you would think you were stepping back in time 50 years.

That all said, I dont understand the concept of determining my worth/value as a person by who I want to be involved with in a relationship.
I mean, I see myself as a human being…who just happens to be a straight “white” male (even blacks have confused me for being at least half black all my life) who doesnt really care or want people defining who I am as a PERSON based on my gender, race, etc.
Honestly, I thought we were trying to get BEYOND those dividing distinctions and just see each other equally.
I mean, at the end of the day, other than maybe medical proceedures, marriage and romantic relationships, wouldnt it be less divisive if we just stop the titles and labels entirely and just call each other “people”?


I sure hope not. Go away!!

Because there is only 2. DOesnt matter what you feel like because… THERE ARE ONLY 2 !!!


So Warcraft doing a South Park episode? :stuck_out_tongue:

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if the character creation process was exactly the same except there was a third option of non-binary and then you chose the cosmetics of male or female…

would that really hurt you?

Every quest will begin with a short mention by the NPCs of how stunning and brave your character is.


And how would Blizzard make other genres distinguishable within the game?
With prides’ color capes? :rainbow:
When I meet a different person on the streets, the last thing I care about is knowing their sexual orientation, because it is none of my business any more than mine is of interest to other people.


It’s doesn’t need to.

WoW has been and will remain to be top of its genre.

Regardless of subs.

So bye.

I miss the downvote button…


Lawl, this is a highly underrated comment.


I miss when trolls actually tried. Now a days it’s just inbred idiots going for low hanging fruit. So pathetic.


Apparently concerning goldshire, we don’t really need such features.

Can I just briefly point out that one cannot stop being ignorant? Ignorance is a general lack of knowledge, something one possesses up to the point of all knowing omnipotence. A better word choice might have been “Ill-informed”. Non-Binary is mental more so than a physical aspect, Though there are limited capacity physical “customization” options mentioned like male ear rings, or longer or shorter gender specific hair, body sliders,etc which could be used to physically convey said mental facet of one’s being.

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It wouldnt physically hurt me but it would make the game stupid. There are only 2 and “feelings” dont matter.


Like this^.

I’m sorry SAO abridged Tiffany was the first thing that came to mind when you said that :smile:.

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