Adding More Gender Options?

I am a monk. For me everything is a construct of the mind, to the idea that everything that I see, I hear, I smell, I taste, is all in my mind. So … that makes no sense. But I dont need to believe something to understand something.
And I understand that one can say the idea that a “visual identity” only visually identifies something that is defined socially a priori.
For one self, one self is one self. You cannot be this or that gender by yourself, because “as opposed to what” ? You have to be compared to someone else.
Do we divide people in “eardenrs” by the orientation of their earlobes ? No. So there is no “Earmales” or “Earfemales”.
We created the division that makes sense of the word female and male.
And in that sense, it is a social construct too. To those who believe in that.
The same way your believe that your “visual identification” is a valid identification.
So that is not an argument in itself either, but only to a society that accepts it as one.

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jesus this is some real cult like stuff…

science is science. this is a step too far.


Humans desire to categorize stuff to communicate effectively. You can break things down to the simplest forms. It’s in our nature to take something, anything, and make it easier to get our point across.

One human has a dangly jang, the other has wobbly woos and a va jay jay, categorize to communicate wha tin the eff I am looking at.

Pretty simple stuff. It’s humans that have taken it to the next level because Person 1 has a bit more testosterone in the system than another female, well she must be non binary, ok whatever. Label yourself what you want. I don’t care, but at the core we are all categorized. Male and Female. The choice is up to you after that what you want to be, there really shouldn’t be an in between because logically that makes no sense.


It’s not Sunday yet, shoo until tomorrow.


That is also reasonable. But not the only reasonable way of seeing it.
Categorical thinking is not the only kind of thinking.

Maybe Blizzard will add the option to go around correcting npcs of their proper gender. Would probably be an option to type in something that you want to be called.

Npcs would be all “Hello Ma’am, care to buy some mushrooms?” And I could inform them of my proper gender so it plays out as “Hello battlecruiser, care to buy sone mushrooms?”

What would this change in game? What NPCs call us?

You’re right it’s not, but to arbitrarily put it into a game where visually you will never see the difference, you’re better off doing what the other person suggested.

Role a female character and RP identify as male or vice versa. The choice is yours.

They could just change it to “Hello sentient being! Would you like to buy some mushrooms?” That’s way less messy.

when we say that people born with male parts are male, we’re then corrected and told that gender isnt about physical organs.
Ok. So its a brain thing?
When transmogs fit our brains and not just our physical bodies, then I suppose blizzard and every other game should try to accommodate.
Till then I personally think its fine as it is.

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Techinically speaking though, they have never met you. How would they know your name?

Who said anything about names?

My sister in law is a surgical nurse…well, she was, she just got some new degree so shes expanding what shes able to do, I guess.
She said every day they are scared to death that a patient is going to say theyre a male or female, not mention being trans, then be given drugs for that gender that could cause severe reactions in the gender they were born.

I get it. Some arent happy with what they were born as. I personally would have preferred being born a billionaires son, lol.
But I sure am not going to expect society to make the accommodations for me personally that some are demanding.


If you guys REALLY NEED THIS, all they’d have to do is change “Gender” on the character creation page to “Sex.” Done. It doesn’t show anything in game other than “Human Paladin” anyway, so you’d be the only one seeing it.

They have RP addons if you want people to know about your character’s personality or preferences.

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You can think that, and I agree with you on that.
But it is not the only way to see it, and it is not up to us and those who think like us to decide, unless they are in the position to decide it.
As it is stated by Blizzard devs that there are no plans for it, I also might be inclined to think it will never happen.

The fact that I agree, the fact that devs might agree, and the fact that the game might never reflect that does not substantiate the assumption that it is the “right way”. It is just the way it is, because it is.

There is no other reason for that but the fact that those who decided, decided that way. That is what I am saying.

In a certain way, it makes the proposition stronger, because it makes it less up to debate, and more up to acceptance.

what the f


Can’t say that, the f denotes female. The proper phrase is, “what the nb.”

Wow this is blatant justification for all kinds of prejudice, and your claiming to be an advocate for acceptance and anti-prejudice? Your obviously just lookin for an adversary and have chosen the most controversial subject you can think of to fight over. You have no concept of what acceptance or open-mindedness is and as such do not deserve such things. Your a bigot hiding behind a cause and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Troll post wanted to stir the pot. Troll post worked.

Look, be what you want in your minds, because that’s what all of this pseudo-science crap is coming from. Science is science, same with biology. I just wish that this “woke” crap which is denying scientific fact, would stay out of this, and other games.


Well put, green sista…