Plus non binary is about identity, not genitals or even appearance, though boomers think non binary=androgynous lol.
If they added it, then it would simply be a personal choice, it wouldnt affect anything other than their gender in a checkbox, would still have the same appearance but prefer the term non binary myself uwu
Edit: Lmao I just realized this was from an official blizz mail, cant wait to see the butthurt from the usual status quo warriors xD
The existing options are for body type. E.G you can be a male and prefer a female body type for your Ingame avatar. You can be non binary and have a male avatar.
Stop being ageist. Stop being ignorant. Understand everyone is different and every age group has its myopic idiots. Even yours.
I’m more curious as to how you’d design non-binary options in the character creation screen. I actually think it’s an interesting idea, I’m not sure anything short of a sliding adjustment on almost every feature head to toe would satisfy non-binary aspects.
If they know what they are doing and arent just fake pandering like the trash disney “representation” then they would know that non binary is not defined by appearance or voice or whatever, it is about inner personal identity.
In other words people would be able to choose the bodytype they like, be it masculine or feminine and then can use a gender option from male, female, non binary and that gender option wouldnt really change anything, it would be more of a personal RP thing if anything, your character being labeled as such with at best a reference on a quest text.
What I expect, and I am being generous knowing blizzard is that they simply might add more options that can be used for all genders, such as earring who are considered a feminine thing to be used on characters with masculine body, or hairstyles that are considered feminine be allowed on masculine characters.
And not my fault their group has a far higher % of status quo warriors than younger generations, nobody is saying all of X are bad, but when the majority of a group are known for bigoted, racists etc beliefs then that is what people see them as, and people in that group that arent that should understand that.