Add Veilstrider Back, Stop Time Limited Completionism

Fomo fomo fomo. The fear of missing out. That’s a big part of what games use to drive engagement these days.

So let’s start by talking about arguably acceptable and normal fomo rewards. Gladiator cosmetics, M+ titles/mounts/portals, etc… These are things that you’re clearly rewarded for doing during a certain time period when the content is available. This makes sense, sure, give that PvPer their next mount/title/whatever for being proving their mettle and slapping the ladder for the 150th season in a row, and if they don’t then that’s on them since it’s abundantly clear that these competition rewards go away from season to season, every time.

However, competition and completion are separate matters, and making a massive completion achievement in the last patch of an expansion while giving no up-front indication of whether it goes away is much different. And unfortunately for players, this is where fomo and completionism have become intertwined, Blizzard only wants players to feel satisfied for handling their massive completion in a given time frame despite the extremely massive undertaking it might be…

What am I talking about? Veilstrider in particular, as well as other overarching completion achievements which I can only assume have gone away based on what I’ve observed since starting WoW.

I started going for Veilstrider towards the end of SL, and as you might guess due to the ridiculous requirements for the achievement, I didn’t complete the requirements before the end of the expansion. Rather it was a few weeks into 10.0.5 that I finished, unknowing of the fact that the achievement was actually removed…(incoming “you had 2 years loool”)

While fomo and time limiting aren’t exclusively bad things in the game, when you tie them together with raw completionism, you’re devaluing old content even more than it already has been by the release of new content. However, if you leave these massive completion achievements in despite the release of new content, each expansion makes the game become more robust, with even more avenues for player engagement and expression aside from the latest content. Initially Blizzard got some praise by players for adding Veilstrider (ex. Thank you for putting in Veilstrider ) but of course they just had to do something silly…

To make an example of now useless content, The Maw. Everyone hated on The Maw for various reasons, so you can assume nobody but completionists and maybe the odd leveler are going there right now. But there’s still content there! Tons of content and lore which people currently have no reason to go through, especially considering how SL appears to be completely forgotten about in DF. But when you see a Maw Walker, you know they suffered through hell in its entirety, and that completion could be a badge of honor whether they finished it today or two years ago.

So while fomo and time limiting are not necessarily bad things, they can be when done wrong, and they sure did Veilstrider dirty by making it unavailable. Therefore, as advised by customer service, I ask for your support for re-adding this achievement for fellow completionists in general, and those in particular who nearly completed the achievement but were deprived due to the requirements being something akin to a time-gated and time-limited ‘Insane in the Membrane’.

TLDR: I want Veilstrider to be added back into the game, raw completionism should not have time limits attached. Further iterations of massive completion achievements should also remain available to players in the future (like the new “the Forbidden” title) so that the content still has more potential value.

If you work hard on 100%-ing old content, you should have something to show for it.


Nah, seasonal stuff is fine, even if it’s just from casual/solo content. The only issue wit Veilstrider was the RNG with the Abomination Factory quest achievement and then that they were kind of late to announce it and when it’d be going away. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

If anything it’d be cool to see more stuff like this.


Would be neat if players could obtain past Gladiator rewards but they have to be a current Gladiator to do so.

Looks like Blizzard is going to rotate Mythic+ dungeons so I assume eventually every dungeon will be brought through the rotation multiple times so players can earn the portals. The titles and mounts, however, may be lost forever…

I consider it a badge of pride that I don’t have a single Ahead of the Curve, Mythic, Cutting Edge, or Mythic Keystone achievement for Shadowlands, as well as intentionally ignoring Veilstrider. Frick Shadowlands!



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Weird flex but ok.


Nah, it’s cool that you can have stuff limited to a certain time and show that I did this when it was meaningful. Had a long time to get working on Veilstrider and if you didn’t get it, it is what it is. Go for the next one :slight_smile:


I have the title and fully agree that there should’ve been no deadline attached to it.

It’d be a bit like putting a deadline on the insane and bloodsail titles.

I’m guessing it’s a badge of honor saying, “I stuck it out during WoW’s darkest moment in history and did all the things during that horrible expansion.”

Competitionist stuff shouldn’t have deadlines.


Great to see people feel similarly, though I wish there was enough support for Blizzard to care :cry:


you still have all of the achievement points for doing all of the achieves, that is something to show for it, no?


Blizzard wouldn’t care if every single person with an active account showed support for this or anything, the only thing they care about, is what item or service they can sell through RMTs on the shop, we’re not players, people or anything to them, they see us as nothing more than ATM’s, that’s it.


It would not.

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If they did that, I would PvP just to get the Glad version of this set. Legion had some of the best mogs.

Mage Tower artifact appearances :pray:


they like rarity in the game…gl with the crusade to bring everything to everyone though

FOMO is a you problem. Grow up.


Imagine getting this bent out of shape over a title. Not even a mount.


“I didn’t get this thing, so you better add it back or I’ll be weally, weally madge! :triumph:

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So is this gaining them players or losing them? There are definitely downsides to FOMO. Giving you lots of unobtainable stuff and a license to treat people who didn’t subscribe to the game before they were born badly has definite drawbacks.

Mocking people while hiding behind an untraceable classic character makes you cool? Who would have known?

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guess we found ourselves a madge! :grimacing:

My posts aren’t hidden, my opinions are fair game. Why do you need to track me down in game again? Sounds like someone just wants to make some madge whispers.

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