I don’t know. Personally, if someone is petty enough to cancel their sub because they can’t obtain the mage tower weapon mog, I say good riddance.
I guess if you can’t feel good about yourself without removing actual content and story from future players, that says a lot about you.
This is the problem with the game, that every single reason that millions of players have left over is brushed off as “trivial”. “If anyone would leave over that thing, the game doesn’t need them.” And so you keep pushing hard to try to convince yourself that it doesn’t matter if the game bleeds players.
Every subscriber counts. Does it make you feel more special if you personally have taken part in making people feel bad that they subscribed to the game?
Do you feel more special because nobody can go to old expansions and understand what happened there, since all the expansion events were removed?
To tell you the truth, op ,I give up on completing everything in the game .I have a whole list of quests ,mostly raids and dungeons to complete which I’m not going to do.when the 10.-whatever comes, I’ll just delete them and go on there is no point in carrying an old load of nothing when you have all the professions etc to do. It is just too much.
And I guess if you stick around just to doom post nearly every day for three some odd expansions that also says a lot about you.
Yes, very much so.
FOMO doesn’t determine what I do in the game, I just don’t like anything in the game being no-longer-obtainable (including cutting-edge / gladiator stuff) or near-impossible to obtain (old mythic raid mounts). Elitists just use these things to push other players down.
very big true
Titles and achievements should stay gone
Armor/mounts/weapons/pets should never be removed
lol that’s really arbitrary with no qualification regarding actual prestige items or raw completion. I can see why they remove prestige items, but Veilstrider doesn’t carry prestige
Yet, you care enough about it to make this post for whatever reason. Not all meta achievements should be obtainable after an expansion. Mad World for instance would be fairly trivial now.
Just treat it like herald of the titans. Have to get it at level 50, or squish people down to 50 with a “6th faceless mask”
FOMO is a you problem. I recommend seeking help.
Limited time rewards/products have been, and always will be, a successful business marketing strategy.
It really does seem that way. I’ve missed out on all sorts of stuff but I’ve never felt the need to complain about it. I looked at the heart of azeroth meta achievement in BFA, laughed and said no thanks.
I’d argue that it does, it means you played enough SL when it was current… Through the worst expac haha
Either way, as someone with the title, IDC if they add it back in, or make it so you only needed to do one quest from each of the abominations to qualify for that part of the achieve. That part was the worst. Relying on RNG to complete and achieve isn’t fun.
I disagree with your request to bring the title back.
The content is still there. You get just as many achievements points (or pretty damn close) now as you did in SL. The only thing you don’t get is the title. The title is a thank you from Blizzard for people that did it while current.
I see nothing wrong with Blizzard rewarding people for participating in their content while current, especially when it was as crappy as SL content.
you had 2 years loool!
But seriously OP, if you type this all out. No matter how long it is, no matter how much sense it makes. Its gonna fall on deaf ears.
On the contrary, if you tell Bliz. Yo I’ll pay you for those 2 years I didn’t play and now you enable it for me, they’ll atleast pay attention.
Also… as advised by customer service. Everytime you open a ticket and they can’t deal with it or don’t know the information, they tell you to go to the forums/wowhead. For the former, I have started wondering if its so that they can anonymously beat the crap out of you (the customer) because they need to be polite to unreasonable people in the tickets! Or they can’t blatantly tell you just shut up and play the game which they really want to until you make your topic.
You forgot the worse that they did. It wasn’t even FOMO’s and whatnot. It was coming back and losing your character names. Achievements. In PVP or whatever avenue. Why? Because you were gone too long. So they sold your character names away to whoever wanted them. And they also conveniently lost your account achievements for whatever reason, have you. Got a problem with it? Too bad! Its not coming back, go re-earn them – is what was told to returning players.
I have a friend who lost one of his accounts after he made it back. They told him that they found a level 13 rogue (was max at that time with other chars on said account) with random letters for names that they then x-fer’d over to his account.
Imagine getting bent out of shape over a video game in general.
Titles and achievements require way less work to make
VS armor/mounts/pets
That was my argument about stuff, prestige doesn’t mean much in this game
Seems this sort of idea about wanting old content to still be relevant is a trend – Make Abandoned Content Relevant Again