Account Wide Ignore on Forums

Rofl I missed that one!

There is something for everyone I guess? My dream is still to be a paladin murloc that rides a fire breathing unicorn…

If that unicorn can impale too, it would be grand, but I think that’s the line in the too much of a good thing in my request.

A certain convoy held in Canada kinda proves a point about ‘political lines’ so not sure why you try to say that like it proves you’re not.

So basically you can have tons of people with the same exact name with no way to distinguish them?

It can, if the person got confused and put their name as their btag thinking it would be needed for ID later but it’s less likely.

The only thing with switching to this would be people using multiple accounts - which is something Blizzard would have to moderate and I don’t see them doing so. In fact, the moderation would’ve fixed the other issues of people swapping characters to do such things.

Plus the whole fact of limited likes, flags, and everything else but you also can’t make tickets in regards to forum stuff shows they don’t treat the forums with moderation very well.

Can you not derail this post? Thanks.


Correct. This is why I have suggested that every account get one free Battletag name change if they don’t still have one. That way the person can ensure their Battletag nickname is one they are comfortable with, and that it does not break the forum rules.

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You’re the one that brought it up, not me. By commenting this post, I assume you’re doing the same.

All Blizzard needs to do is look at repeated behavior and your whole problem would be solved since you wouldn’t be posting anymore.

It won’t ensure that they realize what name will get posted when they post on the forums or that they will use it, however.

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You need to stop this in general. I asked politely for you to stop trying to derail a topic that is totally related to your posting habits. I get it, it hits you hard, but people are tired of it.

If you are flagging this much that you need to swap to alts I think you have a problem.

Please everyone do not engage with this person, I really want this to stay up!

Have a wonderful day, Happy WoWing.


No, but I get to follow you and keep ranting :smiley:
(source: I used to do that to my sister all the time when we were kids.)

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Again, you’re the one that brought it up, then derailed your own post with a spam post(Completely unrelated to topic, added nothing to the topic.) Rules for thee but not for me, I see.

Take your own advice? You’re the one that posted a bunch of off-topic stuff, you caused the derail not me for commenting on something you brought up. :3

No, the forums has a moderation problem in the fact that they rarely do anything about posts. If there was enough moderation, a low limit would be fine. There is not. Insinuating someone has a problem for using a forum function as well, would be one of those violations.

Just like this is, too.

As I said,

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I know the implications of real information. I have a very uncommon last name that has been used more for a first name. My first and last combination make me one of 6 that I can find on google and/or other search sites. This is one of the only reasons why i’m happy with the thought of possible bnet id’s…

I want to add, Mirasol, that you can also have 50 characters on classic era and 50 more characters on classic The Burning Crusade, in addition to the 50 you can have on retail. So, under one bnet, there could theoretically be 1200 characters! Funky!!


My vote is for a single username per account. And the ability to download your own avatar and signature.

Like I have done on every other message board I have been on.


I like that idea a lot!

I was wondering about that. 1200 chars per Bnet account is just wild.

Thanks. Even more reason to post by Bnet account nickname not char name.


Sorry OP, but your and Mirasol’s “fears” aren’t really grounded in reality. It’s especially disconcerting when a CC member continues to spread conspiracy theories around that have basically been debunked by blues.

Great! You won’t have any issues posting on your Btag then like the other Blizzard forums. I mean, not like you were character hopping anyway so posting by one name on one account won’t bother you.

I have talked to Vrak about the alts. He is not going to say anything publicly. The answer is that not all accusations are accurate, but some are. Not every accusation is someone using multiple chars on one game license or Bnet account. Some are on multiple Bnet accounts. VPNs are a thing and so is use of multiple devices. It can make it harder to determine origin - esp if someone is using multiple Bnet accounts.

Regardless. There is no reason for WoW to be different than any other Blizzard forum. Cutting down on abuse of alts is a good thing and leads to less trolling and easier moderation.


Nice attempt at gaslighting. Vrak’s words are crystal-clear:

You don’t need to try to change the meaning of those words by making it sound like it’s more common.

I’m more fine with the btag suggestion that keeps your char name afterwards, and would allow for your armory to be linked to that character and such but I think better forum moderation would be better.

“Just use your flag” clearly isn’t working well enough in most cases especially in consistent things, weird to me Blizz will talk about ‘fighting toxicity’ and things like ‘ongoing harassment’ yet it’s completely different for the forums where there’s really no ticket and e-mailing doesn’t seem to be any better.

But the fact that posting one char per acc still doesn’t even solve the entire issue in the first place, and you can at least tell if the chars are on the same bnet. I imagine with the advent of Wrath classic there might be an armory for WoW classic which could allow to check those too.

But, then they will also hire people without checking into much sort of like they did with CC members so there is that - just as fallible.

the moment account wide ignore is implimented you will have found out everyone has you on ignore o.o

Correct. Enforcement is largely non-existent.

Very likely as well.

In either event, it’s quite laughable how there’s this huge conspiracy theory floating around that people are using alt armies on the forums and that it’s a huge widespread problem. That couldn’t be further from the truth, and quite frankly is just an excuse people clamor to when they see something they disagree with. Much like how people will flag any and all posts that they disagree with.