Account Wide Ignore on Forums

They had people who used their real names as ID. That was the issue. If they allowed people to choose a name, WoW that was solved.

Again, go check the diablo/hearthstone/overwatch forums, they all use the ID system. I just posted in HS, it comes up as Perdue which is my battlenet name, same in Diablo. It doesn’t have the numbers to avoid the harassment. But hey, you are wrong. You should try it yourself and see how it works.

And this is a good thing? Come on now! Really think this through.

Silly, come on now, that line is the people who like to act badly not wanting that power to be taken away.

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Though what is being suggested is significantly different to real ID. Even if I was restricted to just this character it gives no one any further information on who I am IRL. Even if someone knew my other forum posts it would still not get them any closer to that information.

There’s a certain lad who keeps posting about wanting Anduin to be gay that I wouldn’t mind an account ignore feature for.


Ah life is good

I disagree totally with that statement.

Every other Blizzard forum posts by Battletag. ONLY WoW is different. Battletags are a player chosen nickname that does not in any way reveal personal information. Further, nobody can message you on your Btag without your express permission when you accept a friend request.

The current WoW system allows people to post as individual characters - with 50 chars per game license and 8 licenses per Bnet account. Think about that - one Bnet account can have 400 posting characters. Further, because we post by char-server anyone can make a toon on that server and message you without your permission, send you mail, and even add you to their in-game friends list without your permission.

Battletag posting means one account name, one set of flags, one set of likes. Nobody can track you in game, nobody can message you without permission.

I really really really want them to switch WoW forums to be like all the rest of Blizzard forums - Btag. Let players use the char as the avatar. I would even go so far as to make sure everyone has one free Btag name change on the account so they can make sure it is something they are comfy with others seeing before posting.

Also remember, our Btags have no personal info and are not part of our login information.

The only thing we “lose” by switching to Btag posting is up to 400 alts per Bnet account sock puppeting and trolling.

I say this as someone who has been posting in green on my Btag since 2013 - a lot - in the Diablo forums even which were arguably worse than WoW. Nobody can message or bother me.


I think you are mixing up “real ID” which would have required using real names to post on the forums. They considered that, and the outcry meant they never did it.

Every other Blizzard forum we post by our Battletag which is a made up non-personal nickname.


This is silly. Just because you don’t like my orcs doesn’t mean you won’t find my Pandaren Mage delightful.

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Umm…that is not how that works at all.

Your Battletag is a name-number. Everyone has one. Every other forum uses that Battletag. It is NOT a real ID. It is an account nickname you create. Real ID is your real name - which is never shown or used on any forum.

Diablo uses that same Battletag for the account - not character names. The reason Battletags have numbers after them is because two people can have the same text name. The number makes it unique. Bob-1234 and Bob-4567 are two different Btags obviously.

What people are talking about here is posting on WoW, the same way we do on every other Blizzard forum which is by Battletag - the account nickname you create that all your game licenses are underneath of.


But Snikrot, I just want to like you, for well you! :sunflower:

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didn’t read any responses; just here posting my suggestion- forum posts should be done thru your battlenet tag… from there, you can set your avatar to the toon you want associated at face value, with the ability to change toons but not the account linked.


Mind if I steal this part to add to the OP? You summed it up so well here:

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If you wish. Just be sure to mention that Battletags are non-personal account nicknames we select. Not to be confused with “real ID” which is your real name and never shown.

Exactly! That is what I have suggested for almost a year now.


Will do thanks Mirasol.

Exactly… I was hugely against RealID back in the day… Posted very vehemently against it. However the way these forums have evolved personally I’m changing my opinion. I’d be ecstatic with bnet id’s, but seriously want them to reconsider realid’s.


The quote is from one of the likes posts.
, there are fates worse than death. This, is one of them.

I liked that…

Now topic I have been vocal about some issues.
Some have been about the ignore system and the Trust level of this Forum.

Point is I have been useing the ignore system to gather evidence and prove the sabatage of the game and in real life of Blizzard itself.
More at 11…
YouTubeDisturbed sound of silence
Beware the living

That’s a lot of pressure :sweat:

You are such a strong orc/panda though! I know you can do this! Imagine a panda/orc hybrid!

another suggestion- bring back a dislike button. i’m so sick of people flagging falsely just because they don’t like or agree with what was said.

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There was a pandaren on here with that fetish not too long ago

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I draw a very hard line at real life personal information. I would never want that. We have to enter our real info when we create our Bnet accounts but it should not be publicly shown ever. That is for Blizzard for billing purposes, account access issues, or even law enforcement, but not for other players.

Our Battlenet Account nickname (Battletag) is sufficient for me.

Now, people can have a lot of Battlenet accounts which is a whole other issue, and some of the common bad actors have those. Still, it cuts down on the casual alt hopping for disruption. I would imagine it would also cut down on the amount of work for moderators too.