Account Wide Ignore on Forums

It’s time Blizzard, with the continuation of people popping alts over and over again here to prop their posts up.

Another suggestion would be toon families, showing that they are linked to X account. I know I am not the only one tired of putting one on ignore, to see they just pop another here. It’s not stalking, just a major annoyance and makes threads look much more engaging than they are.

Anyone else out there have any suggestions to add here feel free.

Edit: Mirasol summed it up so well here, the Battletag is not real ID and will not attach anything personal.


While I’m in agreement with the above, it’s something to be said that we won’t likely ever get that. From my understanding, Discourse (the template used for the forums) didn’t even have an ignore function built in because the creator of it felt it had been counter productive to the idea of discussion. The fact we have ignore in the first place was an addition to the template that had to be hard coded in.

Dunno if we’ll get something like account wide ignoring in the future, but it would be nice. The family idea is also not a bad one as we’d be able to see constant offenders. Some people have become increasingly brazen behind the idea of internet anonymity in recent months and it’s been disgusting seeing some of what’s going on.


That’s my take, if we can’t ignore, at least if we know they are linked we can be proactive and block them as well.


based in reality.


Do you get to change names and put on a mask and pretend to be someone else in reality though?

Cause that’s the forums. I get it, but be real here. To try to say talking with a person on 6 alts is based in reality is a little weird no?


Why not have people post under their IDs instead of the names of characters that they can create and delete at will?


GD is basically 4chan without some of the more questionable elements.

That said:

  1. I wish I could ignore someone and have all their alts be ignored.
  2. I wish ignoring someone would also automatically ignore/hide their threads.

Last time I accused someone of alt swapping they called me a weird stalker. :laughing:

But it’s like… what? you’re the same person. If anything you’re the weird stalker trying to talk to me through different alts and having multiple personalities.

Frankly I think the forums should just use an alias that you can’t swap. Doesn’t have to be a WoW character. Just a name and a bnet icon.

There’s quite a few issues that arise from alt swapping. Such as mass liking a post, mass flagging a post, avoiding ignores, brigading a thread.


I wish they had account wide ignore in the game as well.


not to get too political but yea you total can, people do it all the time, especially nowadays.

also drag queens.

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I’m not stabmcstabby, I swear.

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What’s incredibly laughable is the ones that put up counter arguments has an alt to keep his/her topic going.

But, nah, we don’t need a raiderio version on the forum. We have free choice. It’s no big deal to mute a thread or ignore a person.


Yeah people are weird.

Totally with you here.

I got hit by my “faves” a few times, I fought it and got reinstated. You are not wrong, the mass flagging is not a joke.


It’s coming!


I watched one converse with themselves on four toons this morning. Four toons that the community knows are linked, have pointed it out for a while…

I remember our old trolls, they were so annoying… Now? I would kill for an underheated fox or a slap in the face.


One forum, one account, one posting character.


You are being obtuse here, and slightly homophobic.


but i am ghey

Or Ralph :cry:

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And you liken drag queens to forum trolls?

You may need to talk to a few and see how they feel about your take.