Account Wide Ignore on Forums

i thought that’s what he was referring to.

It gets tiring being accused of being someone else all the time, been getting accused of being a CC poster on an alt or otherwise since I started posting here. It’s tiring to watch people accuse basically anyone that uses the same emote or certain words as ‘the same person’. I guess because it would make them feel better the people against them are less than it seems, but it’s all to assuage their fears more than anything.

Absolutely spot on.

Especially when a CC member is doing it, which only helps to fan the flames.

Are you both done? I don’t know why you protest so much, if you weren’t doing it, nothing would change!

On that note, I need to get ready for my mother’s day dinner. You two keep having a blast trying to derail this!

Ah, the classic “someone doesn’t agree with me…clearly they’re just trying to derail things” argument.

Protesting what? I’ve stated I’d be fine with it, but it wouldn’t solve the issues you or others seem to have given one of the people accused of doing it is accused of doing it on not even just two accounts but 3-5. Literally asking for something that would actually solve the issue.

You do well enough of that on your own, thanks. Your post didn’t even add to the topic at all, while ours did.

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I actually wouldn’t mind this. People always accuse me of being some other random person on the forums who I have no idea even exists and it can get pretty annoying.

this is just such a non issue - who cares if someone likes their own post on another character or is they post on another character. I had someone insult me on 3 of their alts a few weeks ago and even I wouldn’t want things changed to avoid that. It is rather fun to spot them and identify them to be honest.

I rather think the ‘fix’ would cause more real problems.

I think it should be a mix of both: let us post on our characters, but show the battle tag, so we know if someone posts on an alt.

There are some threads that are fun “post on your gnome!” types of threads and it’s fun to see those avatars and other names.

But I do agree with the battle tag. And it will also cut short the Classic alts. People may think more about what they post. Or they may not care. Either way, if they could add our battle tag where we see the “MVP” or “Community Council” tag, I think that’ll help.


Post your main no shame in it.

that is the worst of both worlds - you don’t need to have a match between a character and the battle tag id

plus this will result in more harassment on the forums and in game.

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I’m not sure how it’s any different than what we have now. You can’t do anything with anyone’s battle tag. And we’re on our characters now, so how does it create more harassment?

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Blizzard originally wanted to do that but people didn’t like the idea because the battletag id identifies them because they use the same name in other games.

it removes the privacy for people who want that information kept private

You mean to say it’s a bad idea to remove privacy over the unfounded “armies of alts controlling the forums” fear that so few have?

No, that is not what was proposed. Blizzard proposed using Real ID - which is your REAL NAME. People said heck no! For good reason. Blizzard DOES use our Battletags for posting on every other Blizzard forum.

Our Battletag is a nickname we pick with no personal information. If you don’t want someone to realize you use the same in a diff game, then don’t use the same one! We get one free Btag change per account so folks can switch if they want.

Nothing about your Btag reveals private information. It is way more secure than char-server. Char-server lets people make a char on your server, message you, mail you, put you on their friends list without your permission.

Battletag is a nickname you pick, does not let anyone talk to you without you accepting their friend request, and keeps all your in-game actions private.


It’s a battle tag, not RealID. There’s no personal information and it shows nothing except a screen name you picked.

no you are wrong - when they made this new forum - the software was set up for a battletag id like D3 - people complained they didn’t want that and blizzard had the company adjust the software especially to accommodate the concern.

Talk to that CC hunter - can’t remember the name now - they were one of the ones who at the time complained about it.

I really can’t understand why this issue bothers you so much. It is no big deal if someone likes one of their posts on an alt. I had one person insult me on three alts a few weeks ago and I knew almost immediately it was an alt because of the nature of the insults. But if they want to do that I have no problem - it was fun linking them.

Ah - that is what you mean. Yes, the Discord software by default uses your Battletag. Blizzard had them make a special exception and custom modify the software for the WoW forums to treat each character like a Battletag with separate trust levels, flags, likes, etc.

That decision was made before the forums rolled out. My stance is they should never have done that and should have left is as the default Btag. The customization should have been to let us use characters as avatars so it shows something like

Btag Apple#1234
12 Human Warlock WoW Classic

It causes a ton of forum disruption, accusations, false flagging, false likes, etc. It even makes extra work for mods. People should not have the option to switch between hundreds of posting alts, in my opinion.


Yeah but they can spam you with friend requests. And if you say something unpopular (not even trolling, just against the current meta or hivement) you could be subjected easily to dozens if not even potentially higher volume of abusive friend requests you’d have to turn down.

Now can people find you in-game on your server based on your character and harass you with the current system? Yes. But it takes a lot more effort (potentially rolling a new character on a new realm and then it only works if the person is online) whereas this would be something you could do from the desktop app or any server.

The fact is the btag system is supposed to be for friends. Many people have a habit of accepting btag requests without thinking because they assume the person who sent it could only have done so by playing with their character, right clicking and sending a request that way. Changing to this system breaks that paradigm and opens such people up to harassment and stalking from people they just click add without thinking. (As they can then see all your alts over time as you log into them)

An account-wide ignore is also something I must oppose on the forums because it would allow people to develop automated tools to log in on their accounts, ignore characters one by one en mass and check what other character’s posts disappear thus unmasking of alts on a wide scale. This is not theoretical, this was an issue on the old forums. I’m not naming the tool but you could not only do this for personal abusive use but scrape it and put it on a website to allow anyone to search up alts which is again just enabling a tool for harassers and abusers.

What we need is better moderation. It’s simple. The problems here are Blizzard not paying enough people to moderate their forums. The problems with toxicity in game are from Blizzard not paying enough GMs to moderate their game. Reporting tools, ignoring tools, they’re band-aids that don’t solve the problem. The tools exist to solve the problem. They’re in the hands of GMs. There just aren’t enough of them with enough time to apply them correctly.

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