Account suspended- no shot I "exploited functionality"

I have also been suspended for 30 days today for the same reason.

Couple things I think I did that could be the reason:

  1. test out the interrupt macro in duels in valdrakken with mates after the venruki video, the interrupt macro worked, but the conditional hoj macro didnt.
  2. Bought items in BMAH using level 10 chars accessing the madam’s assistant, which got recently hotfixed
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Won’t help. Appeal tickets are to see if a mistake was made, it’s not to have a dialogue. They will not give any more information either.


They did for me, more than once. They gave me a reason why I was silenced. Now idk how it works for exploits though but im sure they don’t give info idk

Being silenced and being actioned for exploitive behavior are two different things.

Those that want to exploit would thrive on the information that led to the account action. With silence penalties, Blizzard wants you to know what was said that resulted in the silence so you don’t say it again.


I got the same one ban today, all I do is PvP, yesterday I did 5-6 solo shuffles. My last 2 I ran into an elemental shaman botting, standing in the middle just doing lava burst and flame shocks, everyone agreed to report him, so I did. Now I’m banned for 7 days.


Then that is practically guaranteed to not be why you were actioned. Sanctions aren’t imposed after one day of observation, it can take weeks or even months.


Very unlikely it was yesterday, or even a few days before. Investigations before account take time. Often it could have been something a week, two weeks or more ago.

If this was part of a mass ban wave, it could have even been a month or so ago or more.


Seems everyone banned atm legit just pvps i havn’t seen any pvers get it so far. Same thing. 3 days Same reason.

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Just coincedental and irrelevant I think this thread has run its course people

I’ve figured out the reason for the ban, its the interupt conditional macro that Venruki share. Everyone I know that’s been banned tested it once the video came out. In my case I tested in duels - ended up with 30 days ban. One of my mates who only just used the macro on a target dummy got 1 day ban

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I will add here for those flocking in - Blizzard isn’t perfect. They admit as much. If for some reason false positives came about, they will make it right. It has happened in the past, and they reversed or lessened sanctions due to it being a glitch in their data. It doesn’t happen often that there is wide-spread error, but it has happened.

The only thing you all can do is appeal through the proper method of submitting a ticket. Nothing can be resolved through this forum. Nothing can even be done via live chat. Tickets are the ONLY method for appeals. And you can keep appealing the decision even past the time of the suspension, if only to get the black mark removed from your account (because those things never do fall off). You may keep appealing until you’re warned that no more appeals will be accepted upon threat of further account sanctions.


That’ll do it. If you see something that could be or might be an exploit, PLEASE don’t test it out. I remember seeing something over the feeds about a month ago about Blizzard fixing an exploitive kick macro.

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There not gona ban a one time thing were talking multiple multiple times.

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ah, yeah i copy pasted that macro from his video just to see it for myself. didn’t like it. never used in arena. i think i used it on my friend to show him what all the fuss was about.

that’s gotta be it. the only thing that makes sense in my case. but the fact that i pressed it probably 5 times total and not in any real pvp environment would mean this was not a very nuanced and heavy handed ban wave

I will just add that Blizzard uses a penalty volcano. Any infraction you’ve received, from a silence and every subsequent suspension, remains as a mark on your account all Blizzard games inclusive. Meaning if you get a warning or suspension in Diablo, Overwatch, WoW or whatever game you’re playing, all infractions are Bnet Account bound. All marks are taken into account and penalties get harsher with each infraction up to and including permanent account closure. One person may receive a 1 day ban and another may receive a 1 week ban for the same infraction all depending on what the history of each account is.


The arbitration clause in the EULA actually does. I wish people would read these more often.