Account Hacked

I had no authenticator that is 100% on me. I thought I did, app was installed on my mobile device. Never really paid much attention to it until this happened and realized the app I had was discontinued since January 2024. Lesson learned.

I don’t get fake gm chats, mail in the form of strange link contents or anything suspicious. I have associated the correct and still active phone number in my battle net account and there is not a single notification that my account is logged in or my email is logged in on another device. I only get email notifications when my account email has been changed by the hacker.

Trust me they didnt get it from blizzard its on your end plain and simple.


if you think so then fine and i don’t want to argue and create problems with others, i’m just talking and sharing my experience so far. i just want a clarity about the problem i experienced for the first time and get a reply from the relevant party.

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This isn’t a matter of opinion unfortunately. It’s fact. If Blizzard were compromised, they would be legally obligated to let the millions of account holders know. That’s the law.

There would also be thousands of posts, literally, with people who had their accounts hacked.

While we as players hate to hear that we’re responsible in some way for this happening, it’s 100% on our end when it does (unless Blizz comes forward with a communication otherwise).


Trust us when we say it is something from your end. As Perl said:

Especially here in Australia where yes, if Blizzard were compromised, and failed to notify account holders, they could face charges here.

Hackers try lots of ways, and sometimes succeed, or fail, all without you having any knowledge. That is why it is always best to have everything secure. Things such as:

  • Having an authenticator attached to the account.
  • Making sure password is strong, and different to any other online “sign-in accounts”
  • Not logging into from public places (i.e internet cafe’s, public wifi locations)

Just some of these things will help in preventing from the account being compromised from your end.


I hope my problem and some people who experience it are quickly resolved and not repeated mistakes for the second time. there are many lessons that I can take from this problem.

Sorry, I’m confused. What are the “repeated mistakes”?


More than worrying about getting your accounts back, you should be worried about how they got into it in the first place. If they have enough information about you to get into your email and wow account, they have enough information for identity theft and get into your banking.

Here are two support articles that should help:

In addition to changing your email and wow passwords, you should also change any accounts (banking, Amazon, etc.) that you use on line. Make sure your passwords are changed from a device that you are certain is 100% clean.


such as forgetting to turn on authentication for 2 faktors, using the same password on several accounts and many more

And sorry if my language is not understandable, it just so happens that my English is bad


Could have fooled me. I felt your English was excellent, barring a few spelling mistakes.


Just updating my thread - still no news. I was hacked Sunday morning at 3 AM, reported it immediately, we are now Tuesday and still no news. I have made several research and found people with similar cases who were contacted in shorter timeframes.

What happens to others doesn’t mean youll have the same effect. There is a time frame when they do. It’d help not try to go mad over this.


That is precisely the issue , there are no timeframes.

Over 24 hours ago - hoping to hear something today

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Well, Yesterday was a federal holiday in the US, so staffing was probably lower than usual.


We have no idea how complicated it is to untangle everything which is why there is not time frame. Your case may be more challenging than someone else’s.

They won’t update you until they know something. It isn’t a matter of not caring about your concerns (which are legit), but they are working the problem.

You will know, when they know what they can or can not do. This is the hardest part of all

I sincerely hope it all works out.


Just a quick update.

This is still being worked on. Looks like they used the account to do some very very naughty things.

That has all got to be untangled, it takes awhile.


Things like this is why getting an authenticator of some kind on your account is important. It’s an additional layer of security to help prevent this very thing.


very happy to hear that

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