Account Hacked

Hello Orlyia

Thank you for letting me know , also appreciate you doing this.



Still no news about my situation and haven’t been contacted by Blizzard. Ticket is up for 4 full days at this point with no response from blizzard. Very disheartening at this point people getting 3 days ban have a milder punishment than I do for getting hacked while not having an authenticator.

You aren’t being punished, please don’t pursue that narrative.

People don’t compromise a vulnerable account to just sit on them and do nice things with them. Compromises do a lot more damage that you or even I often think is possible, Blizzard has to go in and undo all that damage before releasing it back to its rightful user.


I have tried to limit my posting on this situation , tried to remain patient but its just getting harder and harder. Asking a person to simply remain quiet and patient because it takes time to fix the problem caused by my account being hacked is perfectly fine. What I am having trouble with however is the lack of communication and more importantly no first point of contact were made at all. The positive was Orlyia the blue poster who took time to check up on my ticket and let me know the current status. I spent so much time on this account and invested so much in it and the one time I need your help Blizzard you leave me in the dark for days. As you know getting your account taken over is frustrating and stressful enough. Mitigating those negative sentiments by simply connecting with the victim user would do so much in a positive way. Four days later and Im still left with nothing all i know is that the hackers did a lot of bad with my account. How much longer until I get a response, I never heard of tickets lasting this long and I keep reading that account fraud are top priority. Long gone are the days where you really cared for your player base, when you actually popped in game to resolve issues while cracking jokes and making the player’s day better. If this is going to take 5 days a week a month just tell me. Don’t just leave me here with no news , no timeframes and no help. Disheartening for lack of better words

To be frank: There isn’t a time frank as the folks who handle it don’t stop every other hour to give an update. Something like this takes time and posting about it, stating how many days it bean, etc. won’t speeds things up. More so when it’s something that takes time.

And to be frank: you’re driving yourself mad about this.

This isn’t fraud, it’s something dealing with data on their internal systems. This isn’t someone trying to take money over something they got because of something out of either party’s control.

It takes time go through. They can’t rush it unless something is left that cause issues down the line. No, I don’t know what that’d be, but this isn’t something you can’t rush.


The only reason that this was done is because they HAD to. Back then the only way a GM could help with most situations was to go in game, it caused longer ticket times and many times you would have to put in more than a few tickets becasue a GM didn’t get to the ticket while you were on-line. Then came the mountain of tickets that people would put in just to have a GM come and tell them a joke, like literally all the tickets would say is “I need Help” and when the GMs would answer the players would simply say, “tell me a GM joke.”

It was a horrible and very inefficient system.

If they knew what the timeframe was they would tell you, they aren’t withholding information for funnsies. They literally are working on the problem and it will take as long as it takes to fix. They stopped giving ETAs because players don’t remember what the E stands for and get belligerent when the time they were told is not met.


Blizzard is fixing the issue but you keep harping on how they aren’t working at your time table. You are not the only one who has had their accounts compromised and you are lucky they even get your account back, most gaming companies don’t do that.

Calm down, they have control of your account and they are working to get it back to you without everything missing. That takes time as they also have to trace where everything went and to whom.

There is no magic switch to do all this. It’s sad that people are not grateful when someone else fixes their issues.

Sit back, relax and wait for it.


Not going to comment on this because I will get silenced :slight_smile:

Very good plan to refrain from commenting. I think some of the replies you are getting are for a few reasons:

  • Many many game companies do not restore access to compromised accounts.
  • Even if they restore access, those don’t usually fix the damage done and unban them.
  • The compromise was not on Blizzard’s end, it was something we control as players (phishing, using the same password on multiple sites, malware on our systems, sharing access to the account for some reason, etc.)
  • There are two time frames here - the first is the main ticket queue which is a few days right now. You are through that. The second is the specialist who has to undo all the damage on your account. That takes time, as the bad guys do more than just farm gold with your account - the things they do touch a lot of other accounts as well.
  • You have gotten a lot of Blue replies keeping you up to date on the status. WAY more than anyone I have ever seen get. Nobody is ignoring you.
  • You have gotten a lot of good advice for how to secure your PC and other accounts as well.

Even when a GM had to appear in game, an account investigation and restoration was not something they did in game with you. That has always been something that has to be done out of game by a specialist. Nobody can wave a magic wand and fix it.

Honestly, we are lucky as players that Blizzard even helps with compromises and esp with restorations. I hope that is not removed down the road.


You do realise that they have to look at everything that that account actually did who they interacted with and more, the amount of characters and accounts they dealt with while in control of your account it could be in the thousands. You just unfortunately have to wait till blizzard sorts it all out


Just wanted to close the loop on this and mention my account was returned back to me and i fully secured it with a new email address and an authenticator.
However the account is suspended , anyhow huge progress and im assuming the account suspension is part of the process.


You basicly gota apeal that its suspended\banned to prevent further damage done by the hackers.


Appreciate your help I have submitted an appeal ticket.


Should be a easy fix at least.


Hopefully that doesnt take another 4 days. Even though I expect to get flamed for this humbly asking if a Vrakthris or any other blue can have a look. Appeal ticket * US101635768 opened 15 hours ago.

Vrak can see when you have tickets in, but they and other blue posters aren’t GMs or similar. They can’t handle appeals, account recovery, or other tickets. Unfortunately all you can do is wait.


Patience, Grasshopper. Patience

Account restored , loop closed.



Congrats, glad to hear it