Account Hacked

I haven’t received a reply and as mentioned earlier my ticket is 100% gone US101570558 since about 6 hours ago how about you?
When I posted here and read that the ticket was “in processing” I really didn’t think it would mean to wait another 8 hours + on top of the regular 24 hours estimated wait time advertised when submitting the ticket.
I check my main character armory and it still has all the gear which leads me to believe that the only thing the fraudster was most likely interested in was gold.
I don’t think this is a matter of restoration which takes time or anything because I haven’t even had a first point of contact with a GM yet. The overall experience on my point of view is a removed ticket and no information. Blue poster earlier was kind enough to assure me that the ticket was still up and running and was being processed. I think this documentation and conversation is important for other people so they understand what to expect if a third party is able to gain access to their account due to no fault of their own ( haven’t clicked any link or fall for any trap ).
You will wait , be held in the dark and hope that you re not forgotten in the system. Hopefully more positive update coming soon.

I’ve also been waiting for more than 24 hours and there hasn’t been any reply, I’m afraid the account I used to send tickets has been hacked again and yes I also looked on the website to see my character and equipment are still safe, I also suspect they only want gold I just now also tried to send a ticket again with a new account and hope that I will get a reply soon and get access again to my beloved account. We can only wait for GM and the team to solve our problem as soon as possible.

The armory is finicky wont always update.


If you think you were hacked a second time, you really need to look into your PC security. Change passwords for all important accounts, set up two-factor authentication.

Before that, do a full sweep for viruses or malicious programs. Resetting passwords while a keylogger is on the system obviously won’t do any good.

If you got hacked a second time, you definitely missed something in your first round of securing your PC.


I have used the recommended antivirus application and reinstalled the computer

It is my experience that the armory updates as soon as you log off, its always been the case as far as I know.
Just not a good feeling overall being left on your own in the dark.

Was this before or after the you thought you were hacked again?

PC security check is more than just antivirus. There are more programs linked in the guide I posted.

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after I felt my account was hacked again

I would, and I hope this comes across the right way, 100% make sure you setup a brand new email address that you’ve never used for anything else along with 2-factor authentication on it.

I would use it for NOTHING else, but just WoW.

Hackers do not have access to your account information from Blizzard. That means that it’s found by them either online or via other compromised accounts. Think something along the lines of using the same name/email/password on other sites/games/so forth.

They do not brute-force accounts.

If it’s happened before and you think it’s happening again, then somewhere along the lines you’ve given out the same email/password combo to another site/etc. and that’s how you’re getting compromised.

The only other possibility, and I’m not suggesting that it’s the case here, is when players purchase accounts from someone else, usually compromised accounts, and the original account holder comes back to reclaim it. Often times, the account is simply closed when account ownership cannot be confirmed.

Hopefully that helps and that it’s not long before you hear something back.


I thank you very much for your help. may God bless us all.

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Ok just going to bring the issue back to me since this is my thread after all lol. This ticket ID US101566603 was created first while I was not logged in. When you create a ticket without being logged on to an account there is no way to track it and know its status. I logged in to this account and then created US101570558 which I could track. After 26 hours of no response this ticket disappeared.
Now I am left completely in the dark can I get some answers from a blue poster to understand why the ticket was closed with no news from blizzard at all?
Am being told that my ticket is in processing and that was 10 hours ago. Which ticket is being processed? How long is processing? Why close a ticket without notifying the user? I don’t even know if it was closed because its not even in my archived tickets. This forum is called customer support??? Can I actually get some ??? Am I asking for too much??
Just be clear in your communication, had I been told " we dont care about your issue this could take days" I wouldn’t be here sitting with hope because I was told my case was in processing more than 10 hours ago.
I really really hope that when you get issues with your bank, cellphone or anything in your life, you get a better customer support than what you provide here.

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You received two separate replies just today from blues. That’s the opposite from “no news”.

If you would like to be able to track the tickets you put in (which so far doesn’t seem necessary in your case), then follow Step 3 that I provided 11 hours ago. That’s the only way to really follow the ticket.

The blues here are amazing and helpful, but the forum is not a bypass to the ticket system and there are no GMs here either. It’s also not staffed 24/7 like the GM ticket service is.

This forum isn’t “I’m a customer, support me!” It’s primarily for players to help other players. As mentioned, you received support, TWICE today in this thread.

Hopefully you’ve taken the appropriate steps to secure your computer and email so that this doesn’t happen again.

Other than that, you need to be patient while they recover your account. This is why account security is so incredibly important for us as players.


The second one was merged with the first, which is processing.


I really do no want to start a war on semantics with you. This forum name is “customer support” sorry I dont live here to know exactly what actually happens.

Also what exactly do you mean by " you received support, TWICE " - What does support mean to you? Why do you feel the need to write that in CAPS?

You’re there talking down on someone who had their account hacked, Im sorry I frustrate you with my problems , the nerves on me wow lmao.

Yes. And there’s a sticky at the top of this forum to explain the purpose of it. Please feel free to take the time to read it.

You received 2, actually 3 now, blue replies. That’s support. That’s what you get when you post in a public forum such as this, forum replies.

I felt that since you implied you’d received “no” support, I’d point out that your implication was false. You received multiple replies helping you.

Perhaps have a read over your previous reply. If anyone is “talking down” to someone, it’s you talking down to the support you’ve already received here from Orlyia.

And yes, I know your account was hacked. It wasn’t hacked on Blizzard’s end though. So you do indeed bear some responsibility for the fact that it was hacked. Hopefully you’ve shored-up that lapse so that it doesn’t happen again.


Thetes been multiple blue posts explaing whats going on they cant help beyond that. This sub forum is more of a help desk on how to get help not a one on one coversation with blizzard.


Okay…best of luck to you Shredz. Hopefully they are able to fix you up via your ticket sooner than later.


Just in case a Blue post got missed.


Yes I saw it , see there is no way for me to know that until its communicated to me. By doing this merge they leave me completely in the dark as I have no means to understand what is going on with my case. Now that I have that information at least I know. And just to be clear my frustration is not at all aimed at Orlyia, there has to be an avenue to voice your frustration/concern against a system without having to be talked down on by people who are overwhelmed with the need to be right. I didn’t choose to loose access to my account it has happened to me I was unlucky. Telling me its my fault and I got supported “TWICE” servers absolutely no purpose and will deter other people in the future to post their issues in fear on being talked down to by “MVPs”
Anyway hoping you all the best.


Its next to impossible to get hacked from blizzards 99% of the time its due to no authenticator or falling for a fake gm whisper.