Account Banned on WOTLK - No email

I’m genuinely concerned on the reason I was banned. I’m guessing it’s in relation to gold; however, fortunate for me I do have screen caps of discord gold transfers from Classic Era to WTOLK as well as record some of my GDKP’s for YT/Twitch. I’m creating this in hopes I get an answer quickly to my appeal request or at least some info on why I was banned since Blizzard no longer sends emails. I have a guild raid on Thursday that has caused a bit of concern for the guild since we are unsure what the time frame is on an answer or resolve.

Blizzard does still send emails when an account is actioned. If you have not received an email you would want to check your spam folders to see if it might be in there. Nothing can really be done on the forums, you would need to appeal through opening a ticket. The only thing a Blue here would be able to do would be to tell you the overall reason the action was for, they can not and Blizzard will not give details as to why an account action happened.


They do though. They haven’t stopped. Checked the junk/spam folder?

Done when it’s done. Probably a few days for ticket to get to head of line, and time re-investigating the evidence.

Blizzard also doesn’t accept screencaps as evidence, as these can be easily altered.


This has happened to Snutz as well where they didn’t email him. They found out because his entire 5’s team was banned the next day on stream. I checked my spam folder and my inbox.

If you’re buying gold with RMT like not officially from Blizzard, then I’m pretty sure you can get in big trouble for that.

They do, that’s how they tell you, you got banned in the first place. They don’t always provide reasoning, like exact reasoning.

Considering there no official way to transfer gold between classic and wotlk thats why.

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You can use a popular discord that is known for gold swaps between Era, WOTLK, and Retail. It appears this might be a perma since there’s no time frames, but I’m unsure of even the reasoning which is throwing me for a loop. I have refreshed my hotmail account registered to my account with still no email in any inbox.

Oh, he was transferring gold, didn’t see that.

Yeah unless itsvthru blizzard that gold i would be highly suspicious.

It’s never been an issue. I only posted this here because I saw another person mention they were banned to which a blue post advised or eluded to what the ban had to do with which is what I am looking for. This throws a big wrench in to achieving lock outs on multiple toons on GDKP’s I have signed up for throughout the week. I’ts not a life breaker, but still. I wish Blizzard would reach out to you first to inquire about the issue before just banning you then having you wait days for them to reply back to you.

Blizzard goes by what is in their logs, not by what players claim.


I guess I will just wait for a reply here or on my appeal request to at least find one why I was banned lol.

I was suspended for chat violations last week and I will say that I did get an email shortly after it happened, but no immediately. Also if you try to log in, it should give you a time frame as to when you’re unbanned. Also if you use the launcher, under the “Play” button, it should say “account suspended” and when you hover over it, it will say until when (at least in my case). Sadly, I don’t believe if you put a ticket in you’ll be able to make raid later this week. I have an appeal ticket open and it’s up to 5 days now.

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It’s insane how as a company they can get away with making paying customers wait so long for an answer. In my case I believe it’s a perma just because there is no time frame. I don’t really chat in game so I can’t imagine it’s that. If I had a customer wait at my job 5+ days to answer them I would likely go on a final then fired.

Unless overturned, this is a permanent ban on that license, Tinake.

I do see your appeal.

I’d wait on the outcome of that.


Do you at least see what it was banned (i.e. accusation of gold buying, toxicity, etc.)? I am just looking for some kind of answer is all.

She won’t be able to elaborate.

Gold related, but not necessarily the way you may be thinking.

As far as transferring gold, that’s risky on several levels - you don’t really know where that gold came from. Also REALLY easy to get ripped off.

GDKP runs while not prohibited - you need to be EXTRAORDINARILY careful to know exactly who you are associating with.


Yeah, I think your best bet is to put in an appeal and then just wait a while, maybe play on an alt account if you have one and check in on the appeal in a few days.

You’re amazing, Orlyia <3. I’m pretty confident this will be ultimately overturned. You can’t just ban people for doing gold exchanges with people when we as the player aren’t the IRS and have any way to ensure it’s clean gold. I’m pretty confident this won’t be upheld because it has to be the Classic Era to WOTLK since 100’s of people would be banned in GDKP’s if it was in relation to that. At least this provides me some clarity and I have screenshots of the discord chats on the days of swaps.

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