Access to Stonetalon Mountains is completely blockced

You mean “blocked” to mean not able to waltz right past the guards without veering to the side a smidge?

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Dude relax. Did you find the path yet? If you did then your original issue is solved. You are all cranked up for nothing.


That isn’t what this topic is about. Before posting replies try reading what the issue is instead of jumping on the reply bandwagon.

and for the path to barrens there is a little valley off to the side of the horde controlled area that you can take to get through without aggroing the horde guards. only requires you to look at the minimap and think…but that could be asking too much of retail babies who want everything handed to them and then complain when it was on a gold-plated platter and not a solid gold platter


But you’re clearly trolling.

He actually isn’t. He’s just incredibly stupid. Check out the screenshots posted by the guy who actually made a level 1 and helped him find it. The dude was wedged into the mountainside trying to wall-hop into Stonetalon.


You are clearly fishing for replies.

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i did in fact look it up to give the information today. i did the quest over 3 months ago on my toon and did in fact read the quest text and everything…just like i did over 15 years on my original vanilla toon …cant get the quest text back to give you a screenshot from in game so had to go look it up to give you the exact words the fricken NPC gave you but you were so impatient to read and comprehend…

I mean just look at how he completely ignores my response showing how he could have found it in game. His screenshot as proof doesn’t even show he even tried to explore the area where the entrance actually is.

Clearly just bored and trying to ruffle people’s feathers. Oh well. As the saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”.


LOL. You ask for information for help in a forum. I went through the tunnel yesterday. It was way easier to find than in Vanilla days, thanks to YouTube. Honestly, I think all I really did was look at a video still and saw where it was on the map.

Did you expect old timey directions or something?

Okay, head southeast out of Astranaar at a leisurely pace starting at noon. Walk until the shadows of your elven ears are two furbolg paws long. Make a slight right when you see the giant spider and look for a path through ancient rock formations. Take care through the tunnel, lest your sensitive elven bottom gets spanked by a troll.

Or just get better at trolling.


Ah, sorry. You aren’t an elf. I can’t help you. I hate humans.

Also, the funniest part is, if you bothered to uncover more of the map you’d notice that not only is the cave entrance marked on the map, but it’s also labeled “TALONDEEP PATH” so you can remember exactly where it is.

You were looking around the wrong lake. Mystral lake is the larger lake in the south-center of the zone with the island and all the water elementals in it. Southeast of that is the entrance.


How can someone that supposedly played since 2005 struggle this much?


Brain damage.


I guess we shouldn’t be so hard on him if that’s the case

There’s the Stonetalon path. I used it on my alliance char the other day. It definitely exists - and it is alliance character safe.

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There’s a spot that is completely open for anyone to walk through safely without any horde NPCS. It’ll be on your left heading towards the ramparts when heading for the Barrens.

There’s also a path, Talondeep path, that lets you walk to Stonetalon somewhat “safely”. There is a flagged Horde NPC there, but it’s out of the way.

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I had trouble finding it back in Vanilla days. I remember getting kind of annoyed. But I didn’t throw a tantrum on a forum about it and demand an escort.


Somebody offered to show you in game. You called him a liar and said you were putting him on ignore.

There is a troll in this thread. It isn’t any of the people replying to you.


then why the eff are you asking for help in a forum. use google like the rest of the population. you are ignorant by choice. obvious troll.

I have a feeling this is the same guy that made this post.